These wooden decks at University of Missouri-owned Tara Apartments will be removed and not replaced.

COLUMBIA -- Residents of the University of Missouri-owned Tara apartments will have to livewithout their outside decks, and student parents will have to wait awhile for a University-run child care center to re-openas the result of engineering studies.

After the collapse of a University Village Apartments walkway that cost a Columbia firefighter his life, university officials decided to close the child care center located there and seek proposals from private developers to replace it. Spokesman Christian Basi said this could not feasably be done before the start of the fall semester. The current Student Parent Center is scheduled to close on June 30.

Meanwhile, engineers have reported that the outside decks at Tara Apartments should be removed and not replaced. In a letter to students, university officials said the wooden decks have suffered weathering, and an effort to replace them would only be a temporary fix. So, the decks will be removed permanently.

Read the rest here:
Changes in store for University apartments, child care

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May 16, 2014 at 9:59 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks