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Tuesday 8 Apr 2014 9:11 AM


Violas flowering their socks off

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We absolutely love spring! Its a truly amazing time of year; our gardens are bursting forth with new life and new promises of beautiful blooms and bountiful harvests. The soil is warming up, there are new leaves on the trees and the sun is less of a stranger and what makes this particular spring so special is that it follows one of the wettest winters on record.

Everywhere there are signs of life, the daffodils still look spectacular and the forsythia is in full bloom bringing back much needed colour into our gardens. If you can dodge the showers and brave the wind, now is the time to get back out into the garden and re-discover the joy of gardening. Hooray!

First of all give your lawns a much needed treat. Already they are starting to throw off their winter yellows as the grass starts to grow but give them a boost with a lawn feed and weed treatment. You can get these from any DIY store or garden centre. Just remember not to cut your grass 3 days before the treatment and not to cut if for a least 3 days after and if doesnt rain it will need watering in. This gives the treatment time to work and reduces any possibility of scorching. After a fortnight any moss will go black and start to die so rake it out, re-seed any bare patches and the remaining grass will turn green again. If you dont want to use chemicals on your lawn, just rake the moss out but leave some of it in piles for the birds to use for lining their nests.

You can probably mow the grass every 10 days or so now and reduce to weekly cuts as the month goes on.

While we are talking about the grass, we always think its a good idea to get the edging sheers out or a sharp spade and re-edge the grass as this keeps the edges nice and neat and shows off the flower beds to better effect.

Read more here:
Full of the joys of spring

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April 8, 2014 at 4:12 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Lawn Treatment