Its a rare politician that has to deny allegations they are a piece of nose slime, but for some reason Congressman Alan Grayson did exactly that. The Florida Democrat responded to Joe the Plumber calling him a piece of nose slime over the reported domestic violence incident against Grayson earlier this month.

Joe the Plumber called Grayson a piece of nose slime weeks ago, but Grayson brought it up in a fundraising e-mail this week, decrying it as yet another attack on his character. The e-mail goes out of its way to discredit Joe the Plumber rather thoroughly, calling him a right-wing faker and a dim, dopey, dense, doltish and deficient star.

What does this have to do with fundraising, you ask? Well

And thats really the heart of the matter. Not that Joe the Plumber calls me a piece of nose slime and a dreg of society, but that upwards of one million Tea Party stooges hear those words, and are poised to try to defeat me in November. Which is why I need your help, to fight back.

Oh, and by the way, the picture at the top there, that is the actual picture Grayson used in the e-mail.

Heres part of the full e-mail below:

[h/t David Freddoso]

[photo via screengrab]

Here is the original post:
Rep. Alan Grayson Sends Out Fundraising E-mail Denying He Is a Piece of Nose Slime

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March 28, 2014 at 3:19 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Plumber