The winter storms are still impacting the Lowcountry and it's in the form of bugs. Pest control experts say the cold snap is causing a certain critter to come out earlier, and stronger than normal. This could mean big headaches for homeowners.

"All the critters are coming out for spring," said Bert Snyder, Entomologist for Palmetto Exterminators.

Not just any critters, swarmers. These are the insects that start new termite colonies. Some can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day.

"The swarm of ants are getting bigger because of the cold weather, it's stacking up the swarmers and they're swarming all at one time," said Snyder.

Snyder says normally, they shed their excess skeleton at staggered times, but because of the cold snap, many did it all around the same time. Now, they've all got their adult wings at the same time, creating a larger swarm than normal for this early in spring. This could also lead to more termite damage, earlier the peak pest season, according to Snyder.

Snyder says if you see swarmers, which look like ants with wings, in and around your house, you need to have your house looked at.

"Usually when you have a swarmers inside your house, there's been termites in your wall already doing damage," said Snyder.

Snyder says there are measures you can take now to keep the swarmers from planting colonies in your home.

"One of the things that we need to have homeowners looking at is caulking, painting and fixing moisture problems in and around their house," said Snyder.

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Pest Expert: One insect causing problems earlier than normal

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March 15, 2014 at 6:25 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Pest Control