After months of being sworn to secrecy, today the crew at Pro Skateboards got to reveal the limited-edition line of Star Wars-themed decks by legendary skateboard maker Santa Cruz. This made for a bit of an unwrap party at the Quinpool Street store, as stock that's been sequestered in the back room until the official release date was finally allowed onto the shelves.

Loads of characters from the Star Wars universe are featuredthere are storm trooper longboards, Boba Fett and Yoda set-ups complete with matching wheels, Han Solo and Princess Leia deckswith no sign of Bizarro universe denizens like Jar Jar Binks and General Grievous. In other words, they are awesome.

Santa Cruz says: "These incredibly unique decks are laser serial numbered with matching numbered Certificates of Authenticity and encased in its own custom foil printed and embossed, foam lined display box."

In other words, Darth Skater isn't going to actually ride one of these around. But for the serious fan of both Star Wars and skateboarding, definitely an object of desire. Pro Skates' one inlay deck is priced at $536, with lower price tags on the rest of the line.

The Santa Cruz promo video, complete with trip to Lucasfilm and cameo from the man in black.

Excerpt from:
The empire strikes deck

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March 4, 2014 at 4:01 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Decks