Even though not all the snow has melted, the Edwardsville Public Services Committee approved the next big street project at its recent meeting.

The committee OK'd a local approval agency agreement for federal participation for the West Union Street Project in an amount not to exceed $352,262.

According to City Engineer Eric Williams, this local agency agreement with the department of transportation is for the federal highway funds for the resurfacing of West Union Street.

"Currently the project's estimated construction cost is at $766,000, which leaves the balance at $352,265. The good news is the Madison County Board, at their Jan. 4 meeting, agreed to participate in the amount of $159,250 to match our local share through the county local matching tax fund that leaves the city a construction balance of approximately $193,000," Williams said.

Right now, the Public Works Department is working to obtain all of the necessary easements needed before the project can go out for bid.

City Administrator Tim Harr wanted to know how much of the sidewalks in the area does this contract include.

"It's a substantial portion of it. It's not 100 percent. Some of it has been replaced in recent years," Williams said.

Because of the amount of resurfacing that has taken place on the street, some of the curbs there are not as high as they should be and Public Services Chairman Barb Stamer asked if that will be addressed.

Williams answered that most of the curbs will be replaced and returned to the established height.

Right now, the city is in line for bid letting on April 25, with construction beginning approximately 30 days after. If the project is not bid, the next time it could be bid is June 13.

Read more here:
West Union Street project moves forward

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February 16, 2014 at 2:58 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Gutter Installation