NORTH SIOUX CITY, S.D. (KCAU) Sharp Lawn Care has introduced a grass cutting robot to the Siouxland area, and the Bradys in North Sioux City know firsthand what its like to have the mow-bot zipping around the front lawn.

I have to admit that these newfangled things are kind of confusing at first, Janice Brady said. But after talking to [Sharp Lawn Care president] Mr. Lance, I would say that we really felt comfortable in giving it a try, and it is amazing.

For the past month, the Bradys have had their own daily lawn service cutting their grass.

The best part is instead of each week the grass getting long and then they come and clip it off, it stays the same length all the time, Michael Brady said.

It looks like its always mowed, Janice said. One of the advantages is its not noisy, and it always looks nice, and you dont have to try to find a gas can to get it to work.

Not only is the robot a much more quiet way to cut the grass, its also healthier for the soil.

Its much less intrusive, its not a big machine that is compacting the soil, Sharp Lawn Care president Lance Britton said. Its only 25, 30 pounds, and so theres very little compaction on the soil. The less soil compaction, the better. The roots can grow down in the ground, so that plant is going to be a healthier plant.

Since the SharpBot mows every day, the clippings are almost unnoticeable.

When its cut every single day, its really only taking a fraction of an inch off the blade of grass, Britton said. Its a lot healthier for the blade of grass, for the plant itself. And because they are very small clippings they decompose into the soil.

Now the neighborhood has taken to the SharpBot as if it were the Bradys pet.

Theyre having a good time watching, Janice said. We call her Rita, and theyre having a good time watching her.

They actually took care of her when we were gone for a few days, Michael said.

Originally posted here:
Lawn care robot brings ease to mowing the grass - KCAU 9