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    Planting Trees or Shrubs Near Septic or Sewer Lines – InspectAPedia - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    Guide to Planting Trees or Shrubs Over or Near Septic System or Sewer Lines:

    This article describes the types of trees, shrubs, or similar plants that should or should not be planted over or near septic fields or other septic system components.

    Planting trees, shrubs, and even some ground covers over septic system components are causes of septic system failure in the drain field, leach field, seepage bed, or similar components.

    We also provide an ARTICLE INDEX for this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need.

    Watch out: While not all sewage or septic system effluents will always make nearby fruits or vegetables unsafe, in at least some conditions planting fruit trees, or vegetables (or anything else edible) over the septic drainfield might produce food that is unsafe to either because watering or rain splash-up sends sewage-contaminated water droplets onto the surface of the edible fruits or vegetables OR because in some cases pathogens may enter the plant system by means of its roots.


    This is the only sort of tree that we suggest can be placed over septic system components with little risk of damage.

    This is actually a metal sculpture. Even the placement of this "tree" could have damaged a septic field if during its installation heavy equipment was used to deliver the tree to this spot. Real trees will damage septic components by root movement or clogging.

    If you have a shrub for which you have reliable knowledge about the maximum extent its roots will normally reach, you might think itd be ok to plant it exactly that distance from the nearest drainfield trench.

    Watch out: the extra levels of nutrients delivered to the soils by the drainfield may attract roots from nearby trees or shrubs and cause them to travel farther than usual.

    OPINION: keep shrubs with a known root travel distance 25% farther than that distance from the edge of a drainfield.

    In this photo the light and excavated area is where the new home owner saw and dug into a smelly wet spot that appeared in the yard the morning after moving into their new home - a house built 30 years before and one which employed a home made septic tank.

    While there were tree roots in the drainfield pipes of the system, the septic tank itself, which was too small, never pumped, and fully blocked, was the "root" cause of system failure in this case. (Pardon the pun).

    Whether you are planting trees or planning a new septic drainfield, keep the drainfield or septic leach field away from trees or shrubs which are likely to put down deep or aggressive roots.

    The pines in our photo (above-left) are white pines approximately 30 years old.

    The roots will quickly invade and clog the buried effluent lines and may also cause them to move, break, or become disconnected.

    The actual tree to septic distance needed depends on the tree variety and its normal root growth range.

    Keep at least as much distance between the tree and the nearest drainfield component as the anticipated height of the tree at its maturity.

    So if the tree will be 30' tall at maturity keep it at least 30' from the drainfield.

    Some trees should be kept at much greater distances, up to 100' from septic fields, as we discuss just below.

    Trees considered to have deep and/or aggressive roots that are likely to damage a drainfield include those listed below.

    Japanese Angelica Tree, considered invasive in the U.S.

    Warning: dense root system may kill nearby plants and block soil oxygenation.

    See also Aralia spinosa in table below.



    Above: the video camera line inspection shows a modest dislocation in a sewer line pipe joint through which roots are growing.

    Even a small root intrusion or pipe joint dislocation can accumulate or block the flow of solid waste leading to slow gurgling drains and ultimately to a complete drain blockage. Our photos above show root invasion at 27 feet and at 83 feet in this buried sewer line in Seattle, WA.


    Some trees have less aggressive roots and may do less rapid or less extensive damage if they are a bit nearerto septic fields. These include:

    OPINION-DF: Some authors accept the near-septic use of these less aggressive trees with the advice that "... their damage is likelyto be less severe". This seems silly to me. Any root clogging of septic systems is likely to be costly and inconvenient.

    If you have a shrub for which you have reliable knowledge about the maximum extent its roots will normally reach, you might think itd be ok to plant it exactly that distance from the nearest drainfield trench.

    But Id be careful: the extra levels of nutrients delivered to the soils by the drainfield may attract roots from nearby trees or shrubs and cause them to travel farther than usual.

    OPINION-DF: Id keep shrubs with a known root travel distance at least 25% farther than that "known root travel distance" from the edge of a drainfield.

    Some experts (Kahn, Allen, Jones) also point out that if you're planting on the edgesand lower toe of a septic mound, those plants need to be able totolerate the higher moisture levels found in those parts of the moundsystem.

    In the photo at the top of this page, our field in northern Minnesota provided ample room to place septic system components more than100 feet from the nearest tree. But what about those tire track that show up in light snow? Driving over the drainfield can alsodamage it.

    The following table of native (to New Zealand) or introduced species of shrubs and trees lists species that are considered suitable for planting over an evapo-transpiration system and should be acceptable over a mound system or conventional drainfield as well.

    Note that other native species local to your area might also be suitable. [3] Separately at Grasses or Flowers we provide a similar table of suitable grasses.

    Shallow root system, Native in South-Eastern U.S. Common names: devil's walkingstick, prickly ash, Hercules club, angelica tree, prickly elder, pick tree, toothache tree, shotbush

    Watch out: see Aralia elata in table above.

    Root depth 8 to 24" depending on species; non-aggressive, shallow spreading roots.

    Might be ok over drainfield trenches more than 24" deep but safer to keep at least 25 ft. away or distance = canopy diameter + 10 ft. .

    Original sources:

    Watch out: even when trees are listed as OK to plant near a drainfield that NEVER means planting right atop the drainfield, and some of these trees must be kept considerable distance away.

    Keep trees at least twice as far from the drainfield as canopy height or twice as far as the tree's expected root spread.

    Blue sprue roots are shallow, just 2-3" deep,and slow growing, but the roots may extend 2-3 times the diameter of the drip line or the largest diameter of the tree canopy.

    See Fechner, Gilbert H., BLUE SPRUCE Picea Pungens [PDF] USDA

    Also see GRASSES or FLOWERS ok to plant over septic systems and drainfields or soakaway beds

    Day provides suggestions for using a root barrier - excerpting:

    Another effective,although expensive, technique that may be worth trying isinstalling a root barrier between your drainage field and treeplantings. Geotextiles, impregnated with a long-lasting herbicide that moves only a short distance in the soil, have beenused successfully to restrict root growth in street tree plantings.

    To effectively stop tree roots, the barrier should extend from the soil surface to a depth of at least 2 feet.

    Some roots may still grow under the barrier, but intrusion into the drain field should be greatly reduced. Install the barrier fabric at least 3 feet from the drain field so as not to disrupt the system. Allow at least 5 feet (the more the better) between the tree and the root barrier - more if it will be a very large tree.

    Finally, never encircle the tree with the barrier material; this could effectively containerize your tree and prevent it from thriving. Instead, run the material the entire length of the drain field to prevent roots from getting into the field by going around the barrier.

    Excerpt: This small suckering hardy tree or large shrub is nativethroughout North Dakota. Purple-leaved selections are popular landscape plants.

    Fruits commonly used for jellies and jams. The largest tree form in North Dakota is 41 feet tall with a canopy spread of 28 feet.

    This discussion has moved to TREE or SHRUB DISTANCE FROM SEPTIC FAQs

    @Inspectapedia Com Moderator, Thank you for your response and recommendations.

    @Kendell S,

    From what I've read Elaeagnus has both a deep tap root and a spreading more-shallow root system. You should not plant this over your drainfield nor close to it. Normally we keep such plants well away from the septic drainfield - a distance greater than the expected canopy diameter which often predicts the minimum horizontal roof spread.

    The plant is said to grow to > 9m in height and at least 4 ft or 1.3m wide and are usually kept 3m or more apart even from one another.

    That planting separation recommendation you'll find at various plant sites for Elaeagnus would say your plants need to be 9 ft. apart and I'd figure for safe avoidance root invasion of your septic field you'd want plants no closer than 10-12 ft from the edge of the drainfield.

    My reasoning is the experience that the high concentration of nutrients in septic effluent act as a sort of magnet that can attract the roots plants from greater than normal plant root horizontal or vertical distance.

    How safe are Elaeagnus for a privacy shield say 6 feet apart over or near my septic drain field which distributes pumped effluent?

    @Jill S,

    Sorry, you're both right to ask for clarification of my earlier reply.

    You can remove the trees if you like - saw down, cut up, carry away.

    Leaving tree roots (and stumps) won't in and of itself cause trouble.

    If roots are already in the drainfield piping then they're already causing trouble, dead or alive - by clogging the system and reducing its capacity - that's why I suggested a sewer line cam inspection.

    Left in place tree roots and tree stumps of many species will ultimately begin to grow anew - so you haven't necessarily "killed" the trees and you might still in the future see a root invasion problem.

    Watch out: driving heavy equipment over the fields such as a stump grinder or a truck to pick up tree parts can compress soil or collapse a drainfield line - damaging the system

    My husband and I interpreted your response differently. If we would like to remove a few pear trees, should we be concerned that it might negatively impact the septic leach field?

    @Jill S,

    Ornamental pears like the Bradford tend to have shallow roots: perhaps you've been lucky and they haven't invaded your septic drainfield.

    Why not have a sewer line camera inspection of the leach lines: if you see they are root free you might stop there.

    We live in North Carolina and our septic system is almost 20 years old. There are ornamental pear trees and holly trees planted over the leach field. The pear trees are now three stories tall.

    We have not had any problems with the septic system and are not sure if its better to just leave the trees or cut them down? In particular, if we remove the trees and the roots have invaded the septic field could this cause problems when the roots start to decompose? Thanks, Jill


    The root system for Yucca plants are invasive, aggressively-seeking water (and storing it too), combined of a shallow root system seeking water and a deeper tap-root.

    I've found that "normally-shallow" root systems will be attracted to a drain line if there are openings (hub type older drainfield pipes) and will absolutey be attracted to the drainfield trenches of septic systems.

    So you'd want to keep such plants 2-4 x the plant's canopy size diameter away from the drainfield. 20-30 feet or more may be safe.

    See details in this

    YUCCA PLANT INFORMATION GUIDE - USDA [PDF] USDA, retrieved k2022/01/24 original source:

    Available here at

    Are Adams Needle yucca variety damaging to drain pipes and septic systems? Thanks, Brian

    @Field Inspector K-Sneak,

    You did a GREAT JOB KS - by working by hand and carrying off the cut-up logs from the septic mound.

    That means you didn't drive heavy equipment over the mound system.

    Now as long as there was no evidence that the tree-fall broke a pipe - which from your photos and our onsite inspection seem to be the case, and as long as the remaining end of that big tree is not on any part of the constructed septic mound, you can leave the rest of it alone if you like.

    That sawdust won't hurt a thing - it's only of cosmetic import - because of its limited thickness and because it's spaced out. (You would not want to pile many inches of sawdust or any other compost atop the mound) as in too much thickness you might interfere with transpiration or with the availability of oxygen to the aerobic bacteria in the soil top layers.,

    Update on the tree that fell across our septic mound system:

    As you can see in my photo, I got that nasty old chain saw working an cut the tree into short segments that I could carry off of our septic moun. I stopped cutting back the fallen-tree once I had removed everything back to the bottom edge of the mound.

    1. Is it OK for me to leave that sawdust on the septic mound or might it cause a mold problem?

    2. Is it OK for me to leave the rest of the tree in place?

    More here:
    Planting Trees or Shrubs Near Septic or Sewer Lines - InspectAPedia

    2022 Septic System Installation Cost | New Septic System Cost – - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Septic System Cost by Size

    The septic tank size you need varies significantly, depending on the home or building size you are servicing and the amount of waste produced. The most common way to break down the tank volume needed is by the number of bedrooms in the home. Historically, this is a good indication of the tank size needed.

    A septic system for a two-bedroom house requires a minimum of a 750-gallon tank. Its cost typically ranges between $1,500 and $3,000. However, it is important to check local regulations because many municipalities require a minimum of a 1,000-gallon tank for a residential system.

    The average cost of installing a 1,000-gallon septic tank is $3,000 to $7,000. The minimum size of the tank recommended for a three-bedroom house is a 1,000-gallon tank. Additionally, many local or state governments require a minimum of a 1,000-gallon tank. A 1,000-gallon tank typically handles 360 gallons of water per day. If you want to calculate your water usage, estimate your water flow, and multiply it by 1.5.

    Typically, 1,200-gallon tanks cost between $7,000 and $12,000. A four-bedroom house needs a slightly larger tank. A 1,250-gallon tank is the minimum tank volume for a home of this size. This tank handles about 480 to 600 gallons per day of effluent. The cost varies significantly, depending on the tank material. Use the calculation above to estimate the water volume leaving your house.

    Most homeowners pay $12,000 to $20,000 to install a five-bedroom house system. A tank up to 1,500 gallons should suffice, which comfortably handles anywhere from 600 to 900 gallons of water a day. Like the systems for a house with three or four bedrooms, a five-bedroom system cost varies by tank material and design.

    Talk to local pros to get quotes for your septic tank installation

    There are many different types of septic systems, and each has pros, cons, and costs. Costs depend on various things, including the lot size, soil type, house size, and weather conditions. The costs below are based on a 1,000-gallon tank in a three or four-bedroom house and do not include installation.

    *additional costs per connection.

    The average cost for an in-ground gravity system is $1,500 to $4,000. They are very simple in that they use gravity for water flow and filtration. A gravity system does not need a pump. The tank in these types of systems is very important. It should have risers-to-grade to help with maintenance and an effluent filter that filters out larger particles before the water leaves the tank. This system requires at least a gentle slope so that the water flows properly without a pump.

    The typical cost for a conventional system is between $2,000 and $10,000. It is typically used at single-family homes or small businesses. It is an older design but one that works well, with a tank and then a trench that acts as a drain field. Typically, in this system, the trench is quite shallow, ranging from 18 to 30 inches, and constructed of gravel or stone. A geofabric is installed on top of the trench to allow water to enter the stone and prevent any sand or dirt from entering the clean soil. One downside to a conventional system is that the gravel and stone trenches take up a lot of space and might not work on a small lot.

    An underground anaerobic system costs from $2,000 to $5,000. It is a very common option for homeowners. It is a fairly simple system that does not need additional chemicals or power. An anaerobic system uses bacteria that do not require oxygen to live to eat solid waste. The liquid waste is then piped out and distributed under the soil. As the water runs through the soil, the waste is naturally filtered out.

    The average cost for an in-ground chamber system ranges from $3,500 to $10,000. A chamber system uses gravelless drain fields. This system has surged in popularity over the past few decades. Some benefits to a gravelless drain field include having a smaller carbon footprint1, and they are easier to construct and install. They are also beneficial when there is no consistent flow of wastewater, such as for a cabin or seasonal residence.

    There are typically multiple chambers across the drain field connected to the tank by pipes. Chamber systems work well in areas with good, natural soil that will easily absorb the effluent.

    A typical drip distribution system costs between $4,000 and $10,000 but can be much higher, depending on how advanced the technology is. A drip distribution system is dynamic and does not require a large mound of soil. This system, consisting of drip laterals or long lengths of tubing, is installed between 6 and 12 inches underneath the soil. Using a pump, a large dose tank distributes the water in timed deliveries. This system requires a fairly large area and needs power to operate. For example, if you add an electrical component, it will increase expenses.

    The average cost for an underground pressure distribution system is between $5,000 and $7,000. Pressure distribution systems only need 2 feet of distance between the bottom of the system and the water table level. This is a huge advantage for people who live in areas with high water tables. This system includes a pump chamber that pushes the water out and distributes it evenly across a distribution area. The pump can also push water uphill. As a result, there must be good control over the pumps on/off action. These systems are slightly more expensive than a gravity system, but they overcome many barriers a gravity system2 cannot.

    Expect costs for a recirculating sand filter system to range from $6,000 to $10,000. What makes this system unique is the sand filter portion can be installed above or below ground. Liquid waste, also called effluent water, is pumped into the top of the sand filter, which is typically constructed of concrete or PVC. The waste in the water is filtered out through sand and stone layers before entering the ground. This system is ideal for lots with a high water table or areas near surface water, such as a lake or river.

    The average cost for a constructed wetland system is $6,000 to $10,000. This is a unique and interesting in-ground system that resembles a wetland. The effluent goes from the tank into what is called a wetland cell. Wetland cells are typically constructed of a liner, gravel, sand, and wetland plants. The plants must be chosen carefully because they will always be wet. The water flows into the wetland cell, and the plants, sand, and gravel filter out the waste. The water is then distributed into a drain field. This system can use gravity or a pump.

    An average cost for a conventional in-ground system for a community is between $9,200 and $15,700. Then, there is an additional cost per home or connection added to the system, which typically ranges from $3,400 to $5,100 per added connection. Sometimes called a cluster system, a community system is decentralized, meaning it does not just serve one household. Typically, a community system serves at least two buildings. These are fairly common in rural subdivisions where there is a lot of space. These systems can be cost-effective and very efficient. The cost of a community system varies significantly because it depends on the type of system installed and the number of buildings or homes included in the system.

    The cost of an underground evapotranspiration system is usually $10,000 to $15,000. This unique system has an interesting design, where water is put into an open-air tank, and the water evaporates. The tank is lined with a durable water-tight material so that no water leaks into the soil. With this system, the water does not enter the soil at all. Evapotranspiration systems need to be installed in the right climate. It must be hot, have a lot of sun, and be in an arid climate. If there is too much rain or snow, the system can fail.

    An above-ground septic system ranges from $10,000 to $20,000. They are a unique design intended when the depth of the soil or bedrock is shallow, or the groundwater is high. They have a sand mound constructed in the area of the septic system. A pump pushes wastewater from the tank into the mound in doses. Then, the sand filters out the water before it enters the soil and groundwater. This design needs a lot of space to build. For a standard three-bedroom home, the mound will likely be 200 feet long. For larger homes, an additional 30 feet of length is added per bedroom. It takes up a lot of space, but it is beneficial if you have shallow bedrock or high groundwater.

    The average cost for an underground aerobic system is between $10,000 and $20,000. This is also a popular system among homeowners. It utilizes bacteria that need oxygen to survive to eat solid waste. Due to this, the system pumps oxygen into the tank to activate the bacteria. These systems are more expensive to install and maintain but work well where other systems might struggle. These systems work on small lots in areas where the soil conditions are not conducive to other systems and where the groundwater table is too high to utilize other systems. It is also a good option if your home is located near a body of water.

    Septic tanks come in different capacities based on how many gallons of water they hold. Average prices range from $720 to $10,000. The size of your house is the biggest factor in determining what capacity you need. The larger the house, the more bathrooms and connections needed to maintain a clean and healthy environment. Below are the most common tank capacities and the associated costs of buying each tank. Keep in mind that each capacity comes in concrete, plastic, or fiberglass3.

    A 750-gallon tank costs $720 to $1,200. This capacity is ideal for small townhomes or single-family residences with two bedrooms. Most will only have one or two toilets connected to the system. Many 750-gallon tanks are plastic and installed above ground, but they can be used for underground systems.

    Most homeowners pay $800 to $2,000 for a 1,000-gallon tank. This capacity suits a three- or four-bedroom home with two or three bathrooms. Plastic and precast concrete are common materials for 1,000-gallon tanks, usually used for conventional above or below ground systems. The average family home typically has a 1,000-gallon tank.

    The average cost of a 1,200-gallon tank is $1,200 to $2,000, designed for homes with four or five bedrooms. Many 1,200-gallon tank systems are hooked up to three or four bathrooms. Alternative or engineered systems installed underground with a new drain field hold around 1,200-gallons.

    A 1,500-gallon tank costs $1,300 to $2,500. This capacity is reserved for a large five- to seven-bedroom house, usually upwards of 3,000 sq.ft. There may be four, five, or even six bathrooms hooked up to the system. Fiberglass and concrete are used more commonly as the capacity goes up, but plenty of plastic 1,500-gallon tanks are available.

    Expect to pay $2,500 to $4,000 for a 2,000-gallon tank. It can serve a small apartment or duplex with about 14 residents. Precast concrete is the preferred material for a long-lasting 2,000-gallon tank, which may be used by several people at the same time. Many of these larger tanks will be installed underground with a set drainage field.

    If you need a 2,500-gallon tank, plan on paying $3,000 to $4,500. Small apartment buildings usually use this capacity for underground systems, with precast and plastic options readily available. The larger the tank is in size, the more labor involved to make sure it fits into place and has the proper support around it.

    The average cost of a 5,000-gallon tank is $5,000 to $10,000, usually reserved for apartment buildings and community tanks. The sheer size of these tanks makes them an uncommon choice for the average homeowner unless they live in a sprawling property or farm where they want to store significant water and reuse it wherever possible by separating potable and non-potable water.

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    There are several different materials for septic tanks. Each material has benefits. Some are more appropriate for different soil types, climates, or uses. They all do the same job, but there is a cost difference among them. The costs below are for a 1,000-gallon tank, which typically serves a standard three-bedroom home.

    The average cost for a 1,000-gallon concrete tank is $800 to $1,250. Concrete tanks are very popular and the most common material used for tanks. They are durable and have a long life when made of high-quality materials and are constructed well. A good concrete tank can have a life of over 20 years. A concrete tank is very heavy, so big equipment is needed for installation. Other price factors impact the cost, depending on if it is precast or reinforced with rebar.

    The typical cost of a plastic tank is between $830 and $1,400. Plastic tanks are more durable than you might think. They do not typically crack, but they can break if soil conditions change or shift. Plastic tanks are much lighter than their concrete counterparts and are typically less expensive to install. While the cost of the tank is similar, the installation costs vary greatly between a plastic tank and other heavier materials.

    The typical cost for a 1,000-gallon fiberglass tank is $1,600 to $2,000. Fiberglass has many unique benefits. It is not a porous material, so there is very little chance algae will grow on the tank. It also is very sturdy and does not deteriorate underground. Like plastic tanks, fiberglass tanks are lighter than concrete or steel, so they are cheaper to install. There is also no chance of fiberglass cracking, which could happen to concrete.

    Installing a septic system can be a lot of work, depending on the system type. It is an extremely technical project that should be carried out by a professional contractor. Not only do all connections need to be made perfectly to ensure the system does not leak, but the grade and depth of the components are also very precise.

    Hiring a contractor for the project ranges between $1,500 and $4,000. This cost includes the system design, filing permits, and excavating and installing the system. For a contractor to do the design, it usually costs between $600 and $800. An hourly rate for a contractor varies based on the location, costing between $150 and $200 per hour. While the total project cost changes based on the system type, the hourly rate is pretty standard and should not change. A typical installation job should take two to five days or 16 to 40 hours.

    The installation has several phases. First, the contractor completes an inspection to determine the scope of the design and if any soil tests are needed. The contractor then designs the system and applies for the permits. After this, excavation occurs. Next, it is time for the system installation. Once the installation is done, an inspector needs to approve it before filling in the soil and finishing the project.

    You may not have realized it, but your septic tank was very likely impacted by the pandemic and may still be impacted. Septic tanks are sized based on projected need. This includes the number of water sources in the home, the number of occupants, and how many hours a day they are home.

    When the pandemic was declared in March 2020, most non-essential workers and school children began staying or working from home. This put high stress on septic systems because more people were using the systems for more hours a day than they may have been designed for.

    While some people resumed their normal lives and schedules after a short period, an estimated 25% to 30% of the workforce will continue to work from home once the pandemic is over. Many families have also turned to homeschooling to avoid disruptions during this time, meaning many families are spending more hours at home than before the pandemic.

    This may mean your septic system is overburdened. It may need to be pumped more frequently than before, need additional service, or be replaced entirely, depending on its age and condition. Families with septic systems should have them inspected and talk with their septic company about addressing their needs.

    Its normal for pieces of a septic system to age and wear over time. System maintenance is usually cheaper than installing a new system because design and excavation are already done. Additionally, most systems have fairly independent pieces that are easy to replace, such as tank lids or filters.

    Signs that your tank needs to be replaced include noticeable cracks or damage, unusually strong smells of sewage, standing water, slow sink/shower draining and toilet flushing, patchy grass, or contamination in nearby water sources. Remember, the average lifespan of this system is 20 to 30 years. If yours is several decades old, it may need to be replaced. If you have increased your house size substantially and added new bathrooms, you may need a bigger tank. The average tank removal cost is $5,000 to $6,000.

    You can replace the tank baffle ($300 to $900), tank lid ($150 to $500), and tank filter ($200 to $300). If the tank pump fails, it costs typically between $200 and $500. Replacing the leach field is more expensive, costing between $2,000 and $20,000. Hiring a specialist for the replacement is usually between $125 and $175 per hour. The hourly rate may vary based on area, but it should be fairly consistent for any type of septic installation or repair.

    A septic tank inspection is most commonly done when buying a home and usually costs $300 to $600, with many inspectors charging based on the size of the tank and the scope of the inspection. This inspection evaluates the age, condition, and pumping power of the tank to ensure it is working optimally. Homeowners can opt for tank inspections every three to five years to ensure that everything is fine with their systems and that no performance issues or damage needs to be addressed.

    Home inspectors do a visual inspection of the tank. They ask several questions about the age of the house and the date of the last inspection. Inspectors turn on all the taps and flush every toilet to check the water pressure and draining. They need to check the drain field to look for standing water or a cesspool.

    In a full inspection, inspectors take off the tank cover to look at the water level and whether it changes when more water comes in. Sometimes inspectors use a dye test, putting special coloring into the draining water to see how much filters into the tank. Then the tank is pumped, and the inspector checks for any absorption backflow. By looking for absorption issues or backages, they can see if anything needs to be fixed.

    Installing a drain field, also known as a leach field, costs $3,500 to $11,000. The drain field is an important part of the system that carries the wastewater back into the soil after it filters through the tank. Drain fields are typically connected to the tank by perforated pipes running 2 to 4 feet underground. These pipes carry the water into the soil, where it drains out beneath the grass. When installing a drain field, a specialist will look out for the surrounding soil environment to ensure the ground can handle the influx of wastewater. Both installers and homeowners must monitor for signs of drain field clogging or flooding. A swampy, soggy area of the yard or a strong sewage odor can indicate issues with a drain field, which could cost $2,000 to $10,000 to remediate.

    A tank riser is a pipe installed on the top of a ank to give you access to the tank at ground level. This makes your system more accessible and makes maintenance and repairs cheaper, faster, and easier. The average plastic or concrete riser cost ranges from $300 to $600, with plastic being lighter and slightly easier to use. Concrete risers are a little more expensive toward the higher end of the range, but they are very durable and can end up saving money in the long run by creating an access point to your tank that is at grade.

    Sewer pipes in septic systems are slightly different from the typical sewer pipe. They are a different size and usually are a minimum of 4 inches in diameter. These pipes have protection around them, such as baffles or sanitary tees typically constructed of concrete, fiberglass, or plastic, and need to be acid-resistant. The most common materials for sewer pipes for these systems are PVC and cast iron. The cost depends on the pipe length and location. The material cost of the pipe is between $100 and $240 per linear foot of material to replace or install a sewer pipe. The cost for a plumber to do the installation or repair is typically between $45 and $200 per hour.

    While the distribution box might not seem like a major component in the septic system, it is one of the most important pieces. The distribution box is where the effluent flows through to get to the drain field. It is the connector between the tank and the drain field. If the distribution box is damaged or not functioning, it can cause the entire system to fail.

    A distribution box is not very expensive, usually between $50 and $100 for a plastic distribution box. Concrete is more expensive because the boxes are heavier and have to be precast or cast in place. The cost of a concrete distribution box is usually between $600 and $650.

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    Mobile homes connect to these systems the same way as any other building or home. The major difference when designing, installing, or connecting a system to a mobile home is that the placement is critical. A tank cannot withstand the weight of the home if you move it. As a result, the tank and septic system needs to be in a location where the home will not be hauled over it.

    The most common system type used for mobile homes is a conventional one with a standard drain field. The average cost to install and connect a system like this to a mobile home is typically between $3,000 and $5,000.

    While a septic system is a simple onsite sewage solution that collects wastewater for basic treatment, a cesspool is a shallow underground pit for sanitary waste disposal. A septic system pumps wastewater and eventually filters it out through pipes into the soil drain field. But a cesspool simply holds the waste in place inside a concrete-lined pit. A cesspool cant filter waste, so it eventually contaminates the nearby soil. To prevent soil contamination and enjoy a cleaner, safer system for the long term, homeowners may choose to replace a cesspool with a full septic system. To do this, expect to pay at least $4,000 to $6,000. Prices may be higher depending on the size of the cesspool, deterioration of the surrounding soil, and the requirements for the new system. The process should take just a few days, although installers must ensure the stability of the soil around the cesspool. The cesspool needs to be drained, the concrete liner removed, and then installers will work the soil accordingly. Once the soil is ready, the new system can be installed.

    Converting an anaerobic system to an aerobic one costs $5,000 to $10,000. Anaerobic systems are less expensive, costing $2,000 to $5,000 as a traditional and common septic system with relatively no oxygen in the tank. Aerobic systems support bacteria that live off oxygen and help break down sewage, making them more expensive, around $10,000 to $20,000.

    The advantages of converting from an anaerobic system to an aerobic one include the cleaner effluent flowing out of the system, which minimizes the chances of groundwater contamination. If you live somewhere with a high water table, an aerobic system helps prevent water pollution. The main downside is, of course, the higher installation costs. Additional maintenance is also involved, like checking the air injection and electrical systems.

    The advantages of a septic tank outweigh the disadvantages for most homeowners. This project is a sizable investment, costing from $720 to $10,000, but its money well spent when you can dispose of waste in a safe, sanitary way. Septic systems also give homeowners independence and peace of mind knowing they can use their sinks, showers, tubs, and toilets without worrying about clogs and backups in a community sewage system.

    Septic systems protect the environment by removing pollutants from surface water and replenishing groundwater. They protect your familys health and the wider health of the community by reducing the risk of pollutant and pathogen transmission. On the downside, these systems may encounter problems, especially as they age. Damage to the tanks and other sections of the systems may require repairs. If the drain field overflows, you will also need to get that fixed. Even so, the maintenance requirements of a modern system are minimal, especially if it was properly installed by a professional.

    Septic tank maintenance is a necessary and preventive aspect of having a septic system. Like most systems in your home, some maintenance is necessary to keep everything in the proper working order. In this case, most maintenance is considered preventative. The most important maintenance task is pumping and cleaning the tank every three to five years. This is a pretty standard timeline, no matter which system you have. Cleaning costs usually range from $400 to $1,000 and include any tools and equipment the plumber or specialist may need. Most maintenance does not need any material replacements, so you will only pay if something needs replacing.

    A septic system costs $3,100 to $9,600 to install while connecting to a main sewer line can be slightly more affordable, around $1,500 to $8,000. Think of this system as your own personal sewage system. A septic system treats wastewater on site, with an underground tank and pipe system on your property. If your home plumbing system is not hooked up to a septic system, it is connected to the main city sewer line. Sewage connections carry the wastewater from your home and route it underground to a city or county treatment plant.

    A holding tank is seen as a temporary solution for holding wastewater, costing $500 to $4,000 compared to $3,100 to $9,600 for septic systems. As the name suggests, a holding tank holds wastewater but doesnt have a system to filter the waste. Once a holding tank reaches capacity, it must be emptied, with most requiring monthly, if not weekly, pumping.

    Holding tanks are a better option for tiny homes, trailers, boats, or RVs, as they are not designed for larger family homes. Unlike a holding tank, a septic tank is a full system that filters wastewater and sends effluent out into the drain field and surrounding soil. A full septic system is more expensive but requires less maintenance and is more permanent than temporary holding tanks.

    Compare quotes to get the best price on your septic system installation

    A pump alarm may be necessary with some systems, such as a pressure distribution system. These alarms are triggered when the wastewater level gets extremely low. If the pump continues to run when there is no water to distribute, it can ruin the pump. A tank alarm ranges from $100 to $500.

    It may be necessary to clear some land and do preparation work on the site before installing a septic system. Land clearing prep work costs between $1,600 and $8,000, with prices varying based on the size of the land and the scope of the work. This is important because even the most advanced system wont work well if the soil cannot support it. Land preparations usually start with soil testing, with the average perc test for septic costs around $600 to $800. This test reveals how long it takes for the soil to drain and will help your installer understand the best place to install your system and which type of tank is most suited to your property.

    Once you settle on the right spot to install the system, its time to excavate the area for the drain field. Most contractors include this in their installation costs because the elevation, slope, and system depth are all extremely specific. After installing the system, your contractor cleans up the surrounding landscaping to protect and secure the tank.

    The average cost of installing a septic system is between $3,100 and $9,600, including the system and installation. Anaerobic, gravity, and chamber systems are on the lower end of that average, usually costing $1,500 to $5,000. More expensive systems include the mound system, aerobic, and evapotranspiration and range anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000.

    A 1,000-gallon tank usually costs between $800 and $2,000, but the price varies depending on the tank material. A concrete tank has the cheapest material cost, between $800 and $1,250, but it is the most expensive to transport and install because of its weight. A plastic tank is slightly more expensive, $830 to $1,400, but its weight makes it much cheaper to install, and heavy machinery is usually not needed. A fiberglass tank usually ranges between $1,600 and $2,000.

    A septic system typically lasts between 15 and 40 years. This is usually determined by the quality of the tank and the drain field. A concrete tank is extremely durable. When constructed well, it is fairly indestructible and can easily last 40 years. The lifespan of a plastic tank is about 30 years. The drain field can also be a limiting factor on the age of the system. The drain field type does not affect the lifespan of the system. However, the quality of the soil and drainage is a huge factor. Not doing maintenance on the system is one way to shorten the life of any system.

    The smallest area a septic system will usually fit in is a -acre lot. Most homeowners with small lots opt to use an aerobic system. Most systems, such as an anaerobic or chamber system, typically need at least a one-acre lot. Mound systems need the most space because the mound itself is usually a minimum of 200 feet long.

    Heavy rain can cause problems for all types of systems because they can flood the drain field. If the drain field floods or the soil is saturated, the effluent septic water cannot effectively drain into the soil. This can cause major backups in the tank and even flooding.

    A small septic system for a two- or three-bedroom home can handle about five loads of laundry per day. This does not include any other water being used and is based on using an old washer with a 1,000-gallon tank. The washer type is a major factor because older washers can use up to 40 gallons per wash. New energy-efficient washers usually use 12 to 15 gallons of water.

    The average 1,500-gallon tank costs $1,300 to $2,500. This capacity is ideal for a large five- to seven-bedroom house around 3,000 sq.ft. or more. Homes with four, five, or six bathrooms can benefit from a 1,500-gallon tank, usually made of fiberglass or concrete, although plastic tanks are also available.

    See the rest here:
    2022 Septic System Installation Cost | New Septic System Cost -

    20 Best Tree Root Killer For Septic Tanks And Sewer Lines - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Well be looking at root killers for septic tanks, including the best brands in the market.

    Many times, tree or shrub roots become the enemy of our septic systems. This is because such roots may infiltrate into tanks through tiny cracks.

    As they penetrate such tanks, roots create even wider cracks which lead to a problematic system.

    This article will discuss a solution for root penetration in septic tanks with special reference to root killers. Root killers have been around for some time and have provided relief for many households.

    To understand this better, youll need to look at the contents of a septic tank.

    Septic tanks hold waste which is usually separated into 3 phases; scum, effluent, and sludge. The effluent layer is rich in nitrates which are considered good fertilizing agents.

    When tiny cracks begin to form on septic tanks, a slow action by tree roots begins. Roots will need to gain access to a source of nutrients that are being held in septic tanks.

    As this situation unfolds, groundwater also infiltrates the septic tank.

    This leads to a situation where the tank fills up easily.

    Before you ever decide to use root killer for septic systems, youll need first to confirm that a root issue is existent.

    Tree roots cause a myriad of problems for your septic tanks as well as the entire system. The best way to find out if roots are the issue is to look for certain symptoms.

    These symptoms include frequent pumping of septic tanks, sitting water on the drain field, poor drainage, and patches of green in the leach field.

    Lets briefly discuss each of these problems for a better understanding.

    When roots interfere with septic tanks and systems, they block off your drain field and pipes.

    This negatively impacts your septic tank as it becomes more easily filled up than usual. Septic tanks are meant to be pumped once every 3 to 5 years.

    With root actions, you may be pumping your tanks much more frequently than normal.

    Now, this symptom is only speculated. An actual inspection of the septic tank by a technician will determine if the issue is due to tree root presence or if other things are responsible.

    When a drain field becomes overwhelmed by excess water, it results in a situation where it hardly absorbs.

    This results in sitting water on the drain field. As your septic tank fills up easily due to cracks caused by roots, it fills up easily. This results in excess water being delivered to the drain field.

    Are you experiencing sluggish drains in your toilet and sinks?

    The first thing that comes to mind when you notice this problem is the possibility of a full septic tank. Now, what if its not due for pumping?

    If so, there could be other reasons, among which is the possibility of root penetration.

    Are you noticing the growth of lush green grasses and shrubs above your leach field?

    This may be due to the escape of nutrient-rich water from your septic tank. This is mostly the case when roots cause a blockage of distribution pipes.

    As mentioned earlier, theres no way of knowing that tree roots are present within your septic tank.

    The symptoms listed above are only that and will need to be further investigated. When its determined that roots are present, an appropriate treatment will be necessary.

    This brings us to our main focus; root killers for septic tanks. A wide range of root-killing products has been developed by different companies to combat the root menace.

    A tree must have been planted too close long after the septic tank was installed.

    In other cases, septic tanks were installed within proximity to trees. Whatever the case is, your best bet is to find the most appropriate treatment.

    Root killers are specially formulated chemical products that are designed to act on roots within proximity to a septic tank. These products are applied to wither or kill tree roots.

    This prevents them from further encroachment into your septic tank.

    There are lots of root killer products on the market. Youll have to make your choice of what best fits your needs. Each of these products comes with user instructions.

    Youll need to make your preferred pick based on customer reviews and expert recommendations.

    Most root killers are in the form of septic tank additives.

    These chemicals are designed so that they dont affect digestive bacteria found in septic tanks when applied. However, any plant roots within such tanks are destroyed.

    So how about corrosion? Will your tanks corrode when these chemicals come in contact? Not at all! Your tank remains in perfect working condition.

    When it comes to root killers, youre likely to be spoiled for choice as there are tons of them.

    Each of these makes serious claims about its efficacy. Its left to you to find out whats best or what isnt. This is possible by going through customer reviews.

    Some popular products include Hi-Yield Root Killer, Zep Root Kill, and Roebic Foaming Root Killer.

    Others include RootX Root Killer, Root Destroyer, and much more. As mentioned earlier, most of these are septic additives that can be applied through the toilet or drainage.

    After confirming the presence of roots, the cracks or openings resulting from their penetration will need to be fixed.

    In other words, killing plant roots isnt enough to resolve the problem. Other issues may develop include a septic tank that fills up too fast.

    Youll need to discuss with your technician the best ways to resolve the problem.

    Here are the best root killers for sewer lines.

    One of the main problems affecting sewer lines is the presence of plant or tree roots.

    These cause all sorts of issues, such as entangling pipes with hair-like masses. Though tiny, these hair-like masses are likely to form clogs as they hold on to toilet tissue and other debris.

    The best response to root problems affecting sewer lines is to apply commercial or homemade root killers. As the name implies, a root killer will fight back by killing off all roots within your sewer lines.

    This allows for fewer interruptions and better functioning of your sewer system.

    Tree roots are notorious for causing sewer line issues.

    In other words, trees and shrubs are the major causes of root problems. This is because plants and trees will readily tap from nutrients contained in wastewater being transported by sewer lines.

    With root killer products, you wont have to worry about cutting down your trees as a preventive measure. Trees themselves provide a lot of benefits.

    Your best bet will be to find the most effective root killers to safeguard your sewer lines. So, what are they? There are several!

    When applying a root killer, you want to ensure the product reaches every part of your sewer lines.

    The top part of sewer lines may be left out when the right type of root killer isnt reached. This is where the foaming root killer comes in handy. It reaches all sides of the pipe.

    This isnt to take anything away from root killers containing copper sulfate. These, too, are effective. However, the only difference is that such products wont reach the top side of the pipe.

    With this information provided, lets consider some of the top root killers for sewer lines. Its also important to note that this follows no particular order.

    When it comes to the most effective root killers for sewer lines, no particular product can be pointed out as being the overall best. Rather, several root killer products from popular brands can be listed as being among the best.

    These root killer products are largely divided into two types; copper sulfate or rock salt and foaming dichlobenil pesticide. While both categories will readily kill off roots, their applicability depends on the situation at hand.

    Top brands include Roebic K-77, Sanco Industries, FDC, Roebic FRK-1LB, and ROOTX. Others include ZEP, Root Reach, Green Gobbler, Rooto, and Earthworks.

    Lets provide further details on each of these root-killing products.

    If you wish to eliminate roots in your sewer and septic pipes, Roebic K-77 is one of the trusted products to consider. It not only kills roots but also prevents re-growth, thus improving flow and drainage.

    Roebic K-77 is non-corrosive as such, safe for all plumbing types.

    Youll need to apply once every 6 to 12 months. This product saves you a lot of expenses in costly digging as well as rooter service.

    This product is used in both sewer and septic systems.

    Root Destroyer is best applied when you first notice reduced flow. It contains copper sulfate crystals that act on all invasive sewer line roots. While killing such roots, it wont harm your trees.

    Its important to note that Root Destroyer will temporarily reduce bacterial action. However, this only lasts 15 days after which full bacterial action is restored.

    Its designed to only kill roots within the leach line and nothing more.

    FDC is another top root killer product with about 99% copper sulfate purity.

    These are bright blue crystals that go by several names such as blue vitriol, cupric sulfate, blue copper, and bluestone among others. FDC is also known to have many other applications.

    If you need the best foaming root killer for sewer lines, this is one product to get as it reaches all slides of your sewer lines for maximum action. All roots in sanitary sewers are eliminated, plus it foams on contact.

    What more? If youre concerned about the safety of your plumbing, Roebic FRK-1LB will serve just fine.

    This granular concentrate is easy to use and provides real results. In addition to killing all roots, Roebic 1LB serves to prevent recurring growth.

    ROOTX is also a foaming root killer that reaches areas (top of sewer lines) where most root intrusions occur.

    Not only are roots killed, but it also strips off grime and grease on roots with its surfactant formula. With ROOTX, you wont have to deal with the recurring growth of roots.

    ZEP Root Kill will readily kill off roots found within your sewer lines.

    With such roots dead, normal system flow is fully restored. You dont have to be worried about the safety of your shrubs and trees as no damage is done. ZEP Root Kill contains copper sulfate.

    Root Reach is designed for use in both sewer and septic lines. Its a foaming-only agent thats designed to fill pipes with foam. This product can also be mixed with other cleaning agents for the best results.

    Some examples of these cleaning agents include Dichlobenil, Root Gone, Copper Sulfate, and Drain Free, etc.

    Another foaming root killer to consider is Green Gobbler.

    It reduces repair costs, prevents re-growth, saves you money on repair costs, and also safe for your plumbing. Youll need to follow all use instructions to apply this product.

    Rooto helps clear roots from your sewer pipes and also eliminates new growth. Rooto is fast and easy to use and also harmless to bacteria. It comes in a plastic container measuring about 2lb.

    Rooto comes in liquid form.

    Earthworks root killer comes in powder form consisting of copper sulfate crystals. Its purity level is about 99.9% with ease of use and also providing value for money.

    Root killers for septic tanks perform an excellent job of ridding invasive root growth. This solution also positively affects the general performance of your septic tank as well as the entire system.

    These are some of the best root killers for sewer lines. Here, you have the option of choosing what works best for your situation. You dont need to wait until your sewer lines are clogged.

    By applying any of these, youre able to rid your sewer and septic lines of all root intrusions.

    See the original post:
    20 Best Tree Root Killer For Septic Tanks And Sewer Lines

    Estimating the Cost of your Septic System - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    There's no way around it -- installing a new septic system is expensive. This is especiallypainful if you find that you need to install a new septic system while you're in the process of sellingyour house. And unfortunately, there's no generic answer to how much a septic system will cost. Theonly sure way to find out is to get a number of competing quotes.

    Septic systems will vary in price depending on a few different factors such as material costs, the company which you hire to install the system, the area in which you live and the type of septic system which you have installed. In general, gravity-powered conventional septic systems are the least expensive. In some parts of the United States you can get such a system installed for $3,000 - $5,000. On the otherhand, in Massachusetts my neighbors often paid $15,000 or more!

    Concrete septic tanks are generally cheaperthan high density polyethylene tanks -- though they won't last as long.Other types of septic systems such as aerobic tank systems cost substantially more, as they require morecomplicated electrical pumps and alarms.

    A quick call to your Town Hall should provide you with the costs for any permits you will need during theprocess.

    The best approach to estimating your costs is to get on the phone with your friends and neighbors. Findout who had a septic system installed, and which septic companies they used. Local realtors are alsolikely to provide a wealth of information on this topic, as they have likely dealt with home sellerswho needed to have a septic system replaced (likely on very short notice!)

    See the original post:
    Estimating the Cost of your Septic System

    City of Bend road and traffic report: Week of August 22-28 – KTVZ - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Here is the city of Bend's road and traffic report for the week of August 22-28.

    Ongoing Closures:

    Future Road Closures:

    Work schedules are dependent on weather conditions and other factors. Always exercise increased caution within construction zones. Drivers should use designated detour routes. Nearby residential streets are for local traffic only.

    Contact: Deedee Fraley, Assistant City Engineer541-385-6199,

    For Street Preservation related questions: Paul Neiswonger, Streets Supervisor541-317-3035,

    Closures and detours in Bend are updated weekly

    Find more information about street operations

    Weekly reports can be received via email by subscribing to Weekly Road and Traffic Reports

    KTVZ NewsChannel 21 is committed to providing a forum for civil and constructive conversation.

    Please keep your comments respectful and relevant. You can review our Community Guidelines by clicking here

    If you would like to share a story idea, please submit it here.

    The rest is here:
    City of Bend road and traffic report: Week of August 22-28 - KTVZ

    Nearly 600 American flags flying in Ridgefield: ‘There’s a lot of pride in town’ – The Ridgefield Press - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    RIDGEFIELD From Memorial Day through Veterans Day each year, those walking or driving around town likely will spot American flags flying freely outside of homes and businesses.

    Those flags are part of the Ridgefield Rotary Clubs annual Fly the Colors program.

    Securing nearly 600 subscribers for this years program, the Rotary Club raised $20,000 to donate in support of veteran programs.

    Ridgefield Rotary Club Communications Chair Bill Wyman said the local club, which was founded in 1941, has been organizing the Fly the Colors program since 2013.

    After one of the clubs members spotted a community in Ohio participating in the program, Wyman said the Rotary Club was inspired to organize a program that offered to install American flags outside Ridgefield homes and businesses for a fee.

    The fee is $80 for the first year, and then $40 a year on a subscription basis. Once subscribers place their flag order, Wyman said the Rotary Club buys the flags and flagpoles, drills the holes in the ground for the flag poles and installs the flags. Subscribers are asked where theyd prefer to have the flags installed, and Rotary Club volunteers work to install them, whether its in their garden, aligned with their front door or placed on either side of their driveway.

    It takes about a month-and-a-half to install all the flags, Wyman said, adding all the work is done by volunteers. After Veterans Day, Rotary Club members will pick up the flags, store them and replace any damaged flags.

    Each year, the Ridgefield Rotary Club donates the proceeds from the Fly the Colors program to support veterans programs or The Center for Empowerment and Education formerly known as The Womens Center of Greater Danbury.

    In the past, proceeds generated through the program have been donated to support the Homes for Heroes program in Bridgeport, Ridgefield marines and their family members, and the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans at UConns School of Business.

    Proceeds from this years program, went to support UConn School of Businesss Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans, a program he said the Rotary Club has supported for the last seven years. The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans is designed to offer cutting edge, experiential training in entrepreneurship and small business management to post-9/11 veterans with disabilities resulting from their service to our country, according to the programs website.

    The Rotary Club operates under the motto Service Above Self. The Ridgefield club has 42 members - the majority of which are town residents - that meet every Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. at Keeler Tavern Museum at 152 Main St.

    Those interested in joining the club are welcome to attend a meeting or contact the club through its website,

    We do everything within the town to help local communities, local organizations, do well, Wyman said.

    Among the clubs local efforts, Wyman said they constantly raise money to support nonprofits. He added the club also works on international projects, such as sponsoring a water system for an organization in Cambodia or sponsoring the installation of a septic system for two schools in Africa.

    One of the things we are noted for is the eradication of polio, Wyman said.

    The Ridgefield Rotary Club started the campaign to eradicate polio in 1968, working with the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control and raising over $2 billion, he said

    Until last (month), polio was only in two countries Pakistan and Afghanistan and it just showed up in New York due to the sewer system, Wyman said.

    Since its initial year, Wyman said the Fly the Colors program has gained more participants with every passing year.

    I think people are just proud they like to see the flags flying and that has always been a strong point of Ridgefield, he said. Theres a lot of pride in town and they love to see it. When we went into COVID-19, we asked to please put the flags up earlier than ever to get community support and feeling that not everything is going poorly in the world. I think that year we started in March.

    Here is the original post:
    Nearly 600 American flags flying in Ridgefield: 'There's a lot of pride in town' - The Ridgefield Press

    SCC Lincoln Renovation On Track To Be Complete In Six Months – KLIN - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Southeast Community Colleges Lincoln Campus is in the process of a $30-million facelift that is transforming a large portion of the existing 300,000 square-foot main building. Construction started in the spring of 2021 and is scheduled to be completed a couple months ahead of schedule in February 2023.

    Were excited to finish this next phase in transforming the Lincoln Campus and addressing the needs of our students, says Bev Cummins, vice president for program development and Lincoln Campus director.

    The renovation includes nearly 80,000 square feet of the main building and approximately 26,000 square feet of new construction, including a second floor. Cummins said most of the work on the exterior of the building is complete, while they are still working on other things like drywall, painting, installing elevators and landscaping, among other things.

    Externally, it will provide a welcoming and transparent front door that is modern, yet timeless, Cummins added. It will be a classy, welcoming and transparent space that will create a cohesive connection between support services and students.

    Classes start August 22 and students and staff at the Lincoln Campus are asked to be patient during the last phase of this renovation. In addition to the renovation and addition to the main building, a 250-bed student housing unit is under construction on the Lincoln Campus. It is scheduled to open in January 2024.

    View post:
    SCC Lincoln Renovation On Track To Be Complete In Six Months - KLIN

    How Much Does It Cost to Install Recessed Lighting? – Bob Vila - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Recessed lighting is a great way to illuminate a room and make it feel more spacious. It can also be used to provide task lighting for specific areas and draw the eye to focal points. How much does recessed lighting cost, though, and is it worth the investment?

    According to Angi and HomeAdvisor, homeowners can expect to pay between $100 and $500 per light for recessed lighting, with the average cost to install recessed lighting in a typical-size room coming in around $330 per light. The price can vary depending on the housing type used for the light, the current status of electrical power to the room, and how accessible the area above each light is.

    Keep reading to gain a deeper understanding on how to calculate the cost to install recessed lighting, the benefits of this type of lighting, and how to save money on an install.

    Want to install recessed lighting in your home?

    A pro can take care of that for you. Get free, no-commitment project estimates from services near you.

    Before beginning, there are a few variables a homeowner needs to determine. Once these variables are addressed, they can be plugged into an equation to help determine the cost to install recessed lighting.

    First, calculate the number of lights needed in the installation space (X) using the formula below. Then, determine the estimated cost per light (Y). This includes the housing, trim, bulb, and labor. Next, multiply the first number by the second number. This equation is as follows:

    Room square footage 1.5 = Total wattage 60 (or whichever wattage preferred) = X

    1 housing + 1 trim + 1 bulb + labor = Y

    X Y = Z

    Heres an example for a 100-square-foot room, where each light costs approximately $300.

    100 1.5 = 150 60 = 2.5 (when the answer is less than a whole number, round up; in this case, it would be 3)

    Materials and labor for 1 light = $300

    3 $300 = $900

    The cost of installing recessed lighting can widely vary. Coming up with an estimate depends on the type of light housing, the type of trim, the location of the light, and whether any wiring and electrical work needs to occur. The cost will also be determined by how many lights are needed and whether the install is taking place in a new or existing home.

    The average install cost for recessed lights is $330 per fixture. Homeowners can use the following list of cost-influencing factors to help determine the cost of their own recessed lighting project.

    While all recessed lights are different in features, advantages, and limitations, they all have one distinct element in common. They sit inside a can, and the can is recessed into a ceiling.

    A ceilings architecture and layout determine what type of housing, or can, a recessed light can sit in. The different price ranges, descriptions, and benefits are broken down in detail below. For now, homeowners should know that different housing types for recessed lights have a price range of $10 to $160 per light.

    Housing types can be mixed within a room, but for consistency, style, and simplicity, most recessed lighting installations feature the same housing type throughout a single space. Its not uncommon, however, to find different housing types throughout a home. For example, canless recessed lighting styles can be found in hallways, while vaulted ceiling cans are ideal for sloped ceilings. Wet-rated housings are required in bathrooms and are ideal for outdoor spaces. One of the first steps to estimating the cost of a recessed lighting installation is to decide which housing type is either required or desired.

    The trim is the piece of recessed lighting that covers the hole holding the housing. Sometimes when the hole for the light is cut, there can be jagged cuts or edges. Trim gives the area around a recessed light a clean and polished look.

    The type of trim a homeowner chooses can significantly change the appearance of a recessed light, as well as the price. For example, a baffle trim has a ribbed interior housing that casts a wide beam of light. It creates a softer glow by reducing glare and is ideal for living rooms, hallways, and entryways. A recessed light with baffle trim costs between $5 and $80.

    An eyeball trim is adjustable and can swivel to direct light to a specific area in a room. It features a rounded bulb casing that protrudes from the ceiling, making it the perfect choice for accent or task lighting. A recessed light with eyeball trim costs between $15 and $30.

    Gimbal is another type of trim, and it ranges in price from $15 to $90. Its also an adjustable trim option, and it tilts and rotates. It features a flat bulb that remains flush with the ceiling and is designed for accent walls or sloped ceilings.

    A reflector trim costs between $10 and $60. A recessed light with reflector trim offers a polished finish and is ideal for kitchens and high ceilings. A wall wash trim includes a shield that covers half the bulb. This directs the light to a specific spot in a room, so its perfect for highlighting artwork or displayed heirlooms. A recessed light with wall wash costs between $10 and $100.

    A recessed light with shower trim is best for bathrooms. This trim forms a watertight seal and is covered with a tempered glass lens for safety in wet spaces, including bathrooms and saunas. A light with a shower trim costs between $10 and $50.

    Additional trims each have their own price range, as follows:

    Many homeowners choose a traditional white finish for their recessed lighting. Since most ceilings are white, a white finish is a tasteful choice that blends well. But there are other finish shades and colors that can complement a design when paired with a wall color, farmhouse feel, or rustic ambience. Every option has its own price range for homeowners to consider against their budget.

    Simple and common, white trim is the most affordable trim finish at $10 to $25 per piece. Gold is another affordable and stylish choice, costing between $10 and $45. Nickel and chrome finishes are similar in price, with ranges between $15 and $80 and $15 and $90, respectively.

    Copper is a finish type thats quickly gaining popularity in rustic homes. Its a bit more expensive, coming in between $25 and $60. Black trim finish for recessed lighting has a cost range of $25 to $80, while bronze ranges between $30 to $60 per piece.

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    Most types of recessed lighting housing can utilize a number of different bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs are a common choice, and each bulb costs between $2 and $15. This type of bulb ranges in brightness and color, so its easy to find a combination that works best for a spaces unique lighting needs. Fluorescent bulbs also last for a long time, though they need to be disposed of safely since they contain mercury.

    Halogen lights cost between $3 and $12 per bulb. Theyre filled with halogen gas that burns brighter and lasts longer than standard bulbs. For areas that can benefit from extra bright light, halogen is a great option. Compact fluorescent lights, or CFLs, cost between $3 and $15 per bulb. Theyre on the smaller side so theyre great for smaller recessed lights that still need to light up a large space.

    Low-voltage bulbs cost between $5 and $15 per bulb. Not all types of recessed lights can use these bulbs. Incandescent can lights cost between $3 and $40 a bulb. Theyre an uncommon choice, however, because theyre not very efficient and burn out easily. Finally, LED bulbs are the most common type of recessed light bulb. They cost between $5 and $50 and come in a wide variety of both warm and cool colors. LED recessed ceiling lights are very energy efficient, making this bulb type a great value choice for recessed lighting.

    Recessed lighting installation requires wiring and electrical work. The extent of the work can greatly affect the installation cost. Most houses are wired with either copper or aluminum wire; the two cannot be mixed, so what exists in a home determines what is used during a lighting install.

    Newer homes tend to have aluminum, as its less expensive. When adding recessed lighting during a new build, aluminum wiring costs between $0.26 and $0.59 per linear foot (for material only). Older homes tend to have copper wiring, which is quite a bit more expensive at $0.52 to $1.25 per linear foot of material.

    When simply extending wiring from an existing switch, the cost for the wiring itself is minimal. However, if a home needs to be completely rewired during a remodel, homeowners can expect to pay somewhere between $4,000 and $10,000 to complete the project.

    The location in which the recessed lights are to be installed can also affect the cost. For example, homeowners often add recessed lighting to their living rooms to brighten up the space, make it feel more modern, and create illuminated focal points for design. On average, the cost to install recessed lighting in a living room averages between $200 to $300 per light in a new build or $450 to $650 per light in an existing home.

    The kitchen is another popular space to add recessed lighting, as it pairs well with other types of kitchen lighting like chandeliers and tube lights. When adding recessed lighting to a kitchen in a new build, homeowners can expect to pay between $200 and $300 per light. Adding recessed lighting to an existing kitchen costs between $450 and $650 per light.

    Adding recessed lighting to basements costs the same as adding lighting to a living room or kitchen. Closet recessed lighting costs between $250 and $350 per light in a new build and between $500 and $700 per light for existing spaces.

    Bathroom lighting is a bit more expensive because wet-rated lights are required. This increases the range for lighting in new construction to between $275 and $375 per light, while adding recessed lighting to an existing bathroom can cost as much as $725 per light. The cost to install recessed lighting in a bedroom is the same price as it would be for a bathroom.

    Ceiling material can be a factor when determining the installation cost of recessed can lights. However, homeowners should keep in mind that whats more influential is whether or not a ceiling is present at all. New-construction installs will always cost less than installations in an existing home.

    With that being said, different ceiling materials can cause fluctuations in installation cost. Ceilings made out of drywall are easy to cut into and easy to repair if needed. Ceilings made of wood, especially hardwoods, can be more difficult to work with and incur a higher labor cost.

    Ceilings with detailed textures or designs, such as shiplap or tray ceilings, will take a bit more planning and finesse to execute a proper recessed lighting layout. This can boost the final installation cost as well.

    Labor costs can vary depending on the difficulty of the installation. It should be noted that installing recessed lights is easiest during new construction and less likely to incur high labor costs.

    Under typical conditions, labor costs involve cutting a mounting hole, adding or modifying wire from an existing switch (after safe amperage has been verified), connecting the light fixture, securing the wiring, and placing the trim. Hiring an electrician to install recessed lights will cost between $85 and $105 per hour, and it typically takes about 2.5 hours to install each fixture.

    No two recessed lighting installations are the same. Besides the more common cost-influencing factors listed above, there are additional costs and considerations homeowners should consider.

    When it comes to recessed lighting installation, the following can be major contributors to fluctuating costs.

    Installing can lights during an initial build is easier for contractors. This automatically makes new-construction installations more affordable than existing-home installs.

    In fact, recessed lighting can cost 40 percent to 50 percent less during new construction than it would for an existing home. This is because the ceiling is still open and contractors dont have to worry about cutting into drywall or making sure theres enough space to access the install site from above. Additionally, since rewiring or updating circuit breakers isnt part of a new-construction job, the cost will be less.

    While adding recessed lighting to an existing home can look great in the end, this type of install tends to be messier, more difficult, and more expensive compared to what it would cost with new construction.

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    Its more common to have recessed lighting indoors than outdoors. This is because recessed lights are only installed in ceilings. When it comes to the cost of installing indoor recessed lighting, the price is affected by housing type, trim type, color, and where the lighting is being installed in the homes layout.

    But when it comes to comparing indoor and outdoor recessed lighting, homeowners should know that the cost can be a bit more expensive for outdoor lighting. There are fewer ideal locations for outdoor recessed lighting, but common areas include porch ceilings or beneath an overhang. Recessed lights are also sometimes installed around the top of a home or even on one or both sides of a window.

    Wet-rated recessed lighting is the safest option. Per can, outdoor recessed lighting costs between $305 and $550. The good news is that in most cases, fewer lights are needed outdoors. Therefore, the overall cost of the job can be quite affordable while offering a strong boost in curb appeal.

    A permit wont be required if an old fixture is being replaced with a recessed light. But if a new circuit is being installed, a permit is required since this involves changing the houses wiring.

    Permits can cost between $50 and $500; the price is determined by the local municipality and the scope of the project. Assuming theyre registered with the city, a hired electrician can typically tell during a quick survey of the jobsite whether a permit will be required or not.

    Drywall repair is common in existing-home installs. Its less likely to be an issue when theres enough space above an install site, such as a second floor or attic, but it can still affect the overall installation price. When electricians need to cut into ceilings or walls to run wiring through, homeowners can expect to pay between $50 and $300 for drywall repair.

    If drywall does need to be repaired, its likely that a paint touch-up will be required as well. If this is the case, homeowners can expect to pay between $1 to $3 per square foot to touch up walls and ceilings after a recessed lighting installation.

    When homeowners are installing recessed lighting, there are several ways to customize the lights, though this can add to the overall cost of the project. Dimmer switches are a great customization option. By controlling the intensity of recessed lights, homeowners can completely change the function and feeling of a room. They can brightly light up spaces to improve safety, soften the lighting for a relaxing evening with a book, or dim the lights almost entirely for just a bit of ambience during movie night. Adding dimmer switches adds approximately $125 to the project total. Keep in mind that in order to take advantage of a dimmer switch, dimmer bulbs need to be used.

    Wall panels are another customization option homeowners can consider. They can include a dimmer switch and standard switches. Depending on how many switches are wired, a wall panel costs between $50 and $100.

    Lighting designers can help homeowners create a truly customized look by offering expertise in planning a recessed lighting layout. These pros can help determine how many recessed lights a room needs, how far apart to space them, and offer guidance on temperature, lumens, and directions. A lighting designer charges between $85 and $300 per hour for an in-home consultation.

    The housing of a recessed light is the portion of the fixture installed above the ceiling. This is what contains all of the electrical parts, the mounting frame, and the bulb socket. There are many different types of recessed lighting housing, each with its own unique capabilities and price ranges. Homeowners should be aware of the differences in recessed lighting housing to ensure theyre choosing the best type for their installation project. Here are some of the most common types homeowners can consider for their own recessed lighting install.

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    It can be dangerous to install a recessed light in a space where it will touch insulation. This is where IC-rated housing can be beneficial.

    There are two ratings for can lights: IC-rated and non-IC rated. Simply defined, an IC-rated housing makes it safe to install a light where insulation is present. Otherwise, the insulation could melt, warp, or even emit dangerous volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. Using an IC-rated can where necessary can reduce both fire risks and health risks. The cost for an IC-rated can is between $10 and $110.

    Non-IC-rated can lights can be used in areas without insulation, but they can also work in spaces with a clearance of 3 inches away from insulation. Its important that a homeowner is absolutely certain of the proper clearance when using a non-IC-rated can light; otherwise, there is the risk of potential fire damage and health issues. This housing type has a cost range of $10 to $150, depending on size and features.

    Homeowners can expect to pay between $10 and $130 for an airtight recessed light. The cost varies depending on size and other features. An airtight housing creates a tight seal around a light can and stops air from flowing in between different levels of a home.

    This can help with energy efficiency, but it could also be a hindrance; therefore, its important that homeowners understand when an airtight housing is beneficial. A recessed light dropped down from an unfinished attic is an example. Its not ideal to have airflow between a heated room and the unfinished space above. But when a home is partially heated with a wood stove, a homeowner would likely want to avoid an airtight housing to keep the warm air circulating throughout the entire home.

    Shallow housing costs between $10 and $150 per can and is ideal for older homes that tend to have tighter spaces. Standard recessed lighting cans rest on average 5 to 6 inches within a ceiling. By comparison, older homes can have ceilings as shallow as 2 inches. For the homeowner of an older home who wants recessed lighting, shallow housing is the solution. This type of can is just the right size to fit into a shallow ceiling.

    If a homeowner has been told in the past that their home cant accommodate recessed lighting, they will want to mention shallow housing to their contractor to see if its an option.

    One benefit of recessed lighting is that it doesnt block visual lines in a room like floor lamps or chandeliers might. For the homeowner who wants to be sure their recessed lighting is as inconspicuous as possible, a canless housing may be the answer.

    This type of housing is installed directly into the ceiling and connected to an existing wiring system. These lights sit completely flush with a ceiling and are more energy efficient than traditional light bulbs. A canless housing costs between $15 and $130 per fixture.

    Just as the name suggests, remodel housings are designed for recessed lighting installations in existing homes. Not all homes are built with recessed lighting in mind, so adding this lighting style to an existing build can take a bit more work and finesse. Remodel housing can make it easier. This housing type costs between $15 and $160 per unit.

    There are many different types of remodel cans, each with different features, advantages, and limitations. Thats why a homeowner will want to choose a contractor with a strong understanding of installing recessed lighting in existing homes. They can explain each type and make a recommendation based on the homes current layout and homeowners budget.

    When a ceiling isnt flat, its considered vaulted. Having a vaulted ceiling doesnt mean recessed lighting cant be utilized, though. It just takes a different type of housing that can be installed at an angle, otherwise known as vaulted ceiling housing.

    Vaulted recessed lighting cans cost between $20 and $75 each, making them an affordable option. Homeowners will want to keep in mind that depending on how high the ceiling is and whether there is access above, a contractor may charge more in labor for this type of installation. It can take extra time and caution to install a vaulted ceiling can from below or if there is little clearance above the ceiling.

    Wet-rated lights can be used in any room in a home, but theyre ideal for wet or damp areas. This includes bathrooms, kitchens, above showers, outdoor saunas, gazebos, patios, or any outdoor space that needs light. In some cases, wet-rated recessed lights are required for safety reasons. A recessed light with wet-rated housing costs between $20 and $100 per fixture.

    This type of housing takes up less space than more traditional lighting options in these spaces. Its also more modern. Since this type of housing is available in LED, fluorescent, dimmable, and halogen options, homeowners arent limited in their design choices. If excess moisture is a concern when installing recessed lighting, wet-rated housing is recommended.

    When recessed lighting is part of an initial build, new-construction housing is used. These housings are installed right into the ceiling as the house is built. This type of install offers the most flexibility to a homeowner. New-construction housings cost between $20 and $100 per can, depending on size and features.

    Lighting is one of the most overlooked aspects in home decorating, but it can have an enormous effect on how a house looks, feels and functions. Good lighting can make a house feel more welcoming and comfortable, while bad lighting can make it feel dark, depressing, or even unsafe. There are several beneficial reasons for installing recessed lighting that go beyond what a homeowner may think a single switch can do.

    Recessed lighting is a great way to highlight certain focal points in a room. When correctly installed, recessed lighting can draw the eye to artwork, architectural elements, or display cabinets. This can bring a rooms design to life. For example, walking into a study with highlighted artwork sets a sophisticated yet inviting tone, while recessed lighting directing the eye to a display cabinet of family photos and heirlooms can make a living space feel more inviting and soulful.

    Rooms that look good feel good. So when a rooms visual space is blocked by bulky chandeliers or cut off by oversize floor lamps, it can affect the mood of the room. Recessed lighting improves the visual appeal of a room by not blocking visual lines. This instantly makes a room feel more open and spacious.

    With the right lighting temperature, a room can also be more visually appealing. Too-bright lighting can be glaring and off-putting, while a room that is too dark can be unsettling. Recessed lighting, especially when paired with a dimmer switch, can be modified to perfectly match a rooms lighting needs at different times of the day.

    Where a centrally installed light fixture may only be able to light up two-thirds or half of a room, properly spaced recessed lighting can light up the entire room. By removing dark corners and unnecessary shadows around furniture and fixtures, recessed lighting makes a dark room feel much bigger once its properly filled with light.

    Recessed lighting helps open up space not just visually, but physically. Where hanging lights and floor lamps take up walking and head space, recessed lighting stays out of the way while still illuminating the space.

    When all three previous benefits are combined, its easy to see how recessed lighting can increase a homes value. Between helping potential buyers see the purpose of each room and making rooms feel more inviting and spacious, recessed lighting can easily make a once dark and dull home feel more inviting and modern, which can result in higher offers when the house is listed for sale.

    Your home can be even more beautifuland valuablewith recessed lighting

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    A recessed lighting installation always involves electricity. Anytime someone is working with electricity, theres a risk for injury. Thats why its always recommended that a homeowner reach out to a professional when it comes to any lighting project, including recessed lighting. Unless a homeowner is a certified electrician and knows how to install recessed lighting, this is a project one should never attempt to undertake on their own. But if safety alone isnt enough to convince a homeowner to seek out a pro, here are a few other reasons.

    Working with a professional can ensure a job stays on budget. An experienced electrician can provide a detailed quote before a recessed lighting installation. When trying to do the job on their own, a homeowner might run into unexpected expenses that derail their budget. A professional is more likely to spot potential issues before they turn into a money pit. Lighting contractors also have access to all the right tools to get the job done. The cost of buying or renting tools is enough on its own to throw off a homeowners DIY budget.

    Professionals are also faster at installations than a novice homeowner. Most professionals can complete an entire installation in a few hours, depending on the scope of the project. Taking a DIY approach is often slower, which can leave a homeowner quite literally sitting in the dark until the job is done.

    Finally, a professional has experience that can only be earned through years of on-the-job training. A lighting contractor knows how to plan a recessed lighting layout, whether the circuit breaker needs to be upgraded to accommodate the needed additional power, and can suggest materials that offer both value and style.

    Go here to see the original:
    How Much Does It Cost to Install Recessed Lighting? - Bob Vila

    JLC LIVE Announces First-Ever ‘Next Live’ Presenter Contest, Offering Skilled Construction Professionals the Opportunity to Compete for a Leading… - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    News and research before you hear about it on CNBC and others. Claim your 1-week free trial to StreetInsider Premium here.

    PROVIDENCE, R.I.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Informa Markets' JLC LIVE Residential Construction Show today announced the launch of its Next Live Presenter Contest, a new competition for highly-skilled industry professionals to join the Building Clinic Crew at JLC LIVE 2023, New Englands must-attend event for residential construction professionals. Leading industry experts demonstrate best-in-class building techniques at building clinics sprinkled throughout the JLC LIVE exhibit halls. The largest component of the exhibit hall, building clinics offer hands-on education on topics ranging from drywall, high performance, air quality, deck building, window installation, stair building and much more. The Next Live Presenter contest will provide a platform for one passionate, skilled industry specialist to join the Building Clinic panel amongst top industry experts including Mike Sloggatt, Myron Ferguson, Ben Bogie, Mike Guertin, Peter Heard and many others, and the opportunity to present at JLC LIVE 2024.

    The competition, open now through September 19th, calls for talented construction professionals to upload a short video demonstrating their skills and enthusiasm to earn a spot on the 2023 JLC LIVE Building Clinic team, and become a leading voice in the industry. In addition to the opportunity for nation-wide exposure as a credible and recognized industry voice, the winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize.

    Introducing the newly launched JLC LIVE contest creates an opportunity to reach the broader community and access the wide pool of talent that exists beyond New England, providing top industry experts a platform to share their skills and earn recognition, while also connecting them to the regional community. As residential construction professionals adopt new technologies and techniques, their practices are changing and evolving at a constant pace. Thats what were looking to bring to our audience, in the truly-unique setting that JLC LIVE building clinics provide our live presenters are the key. Sue Pino, Show Manager, JLC LIVE.

    Participants who think they have what it takes are encouraged to apply here. The top ten online entries will be featured in a Peoples Choice contest, where the JLC LIVE audience will vote for their favorite submissions via social media channels, giving the top ten finalists broad exposure and recognition. The three participants with the most votes will join the Clinic Crew onstage at JLC LIVE New England 2023. Hotel, travel, and registration fees will be covered for the three finalists.

    Many talented builders are emerging through social media were excited to see whos interested in raising their hand to join the JLC LIVE team in-person. I think theyll find an audience of real people, who are also engaged and passionate about the trades, far more exciting. Ive been presenting for 22 years, and I still love it! Mike Sloggatt, Lead Presenter, JLC LIVE.

    Guidelines for the JLC LIVE Next Live Presenter Contest entry can be found below:

    JLC LIVE New England is slated for March 23-25, 2023, with exhibits from March 24-25 at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Sign up here to be notified when registration opens and receive news about the upcoming show. Follow JLC LIVE on social to stay connected.





    Imagery from the 2022 JLC LIVE Building Clinics can be found here.

    About JLC LIVE

    JLC LIVE events are the most anticipated regional trade events of the year for residential construction. Remodelers, home builders, contractors, and other tradesmen and women learn from the leading industry experts through live, on-floor building clinics, demonstrations, and classroom-style conference sessions. JLC LIVE attendees can expect to see the hottest products, learn the newest building techniques, and expand their professional network through fun, free-to-attend networking events. For more information, please visit Register to attend at

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    Abby PortwoodPR Specialist[emailprotected]

    Source: Informa Markets

    JLC LIVE Announces First-Ever 'Next Live' Presenter Contest, Offering Skilled Construction Professionals the Opportunity to Compete for a Leading...

    BOSSICK: Filling the need; A look back at construction of Memorial Hospital – - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Anyone thats driven past the old Paulina Stearns Hospital on Washington Avenue in Ludington likely would try to imagine how a building that size could handle the numerous medical ills of not just Ludington, but also the larger Mason County community.

    In the early 1960s, plans were put into motion to build a new, bigger hospital near the intersection of Jackson Road and U.S. 10/Ludington Avenue. A survey of the property was done in September 1962 in what appeared to be a wooded parcel.

    Less than three years later, in May 1965, the official groundbreaking took place with officials cutting the ribbon. In the background, members of the work crew were in their equipment ready to go.

    The construction of Memorial Hospital took more than two years. In that time, workers moved earth, laid the foundation, poured concrete and more for the original hospital building.

    Months before the grand opening in June 1967, workers were putting the finishing touches on drywall, drop ceilings and more.

    The hospitals growth continued, including the most recent expansion in 2012. It also, after decades serving independently, became part of Spectrum Health and rechristened as Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital.

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    BOSSICK: Filling the need; A look back at construction of Memorial Hospital -

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