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    Chichester planning applications submitted to the district council and the South Downs National Park Authority – Midhurst and Petworth Observer - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BO/20/00808/DOM: Seaview, Bosham Lane. Removal of ground floor wall and extension to form family room incorporating existing external store.

    BO/20/00809/LBC: Seaview, Bosham Lane. Removal of ground floor wall and extension to form family room incorporating existing external store.

    BO/20/00980/DOM: 4 Westward Close. Proposed rear dormer and 2 no. roof lights to front.

    BO/20/01065/DOM: 25 Arnold Way. Rear single storey extension and alterations.

    CC/20/00732/DOM: 34 Sherborne Road. Rear first floor extension over existing ground floor.

    CC/20/00762/LBC: Prebendal School, 53 - 54 West Street. Reconstruction of section of free-standing curtilage wall to the rear of school.

    CC/20/00788/LBC: 6 West Street. Structural repairs to front entrance canopy.

    CC/20/00905/TCA: Land South Of 5 Orchard Street. Notification of intention to crown reduce by 30%, crown thin by 30%, crown lift by up to 3m (from ground level) and reduce all branches on north sector (overhanging no.5 Orchard Street) by up to 2.5m on 2 no. Holm Oak trees (Quercus llex) (T02 and T03) and reduce height by approx. 4m (above ground level) on 1no. Bay tree (Laurus Nobilis) (SH01).

    CC/20/00944/FUL: 1-3 The Broadway. Retrospective application for secure steel access staircase to the east elevation.

    CC/20/00957/DOM: 6 Lyndhurst Road. Demolish lean-to structure and build a single storey rear extension, roof extension and build up existing boundary wall and enclose with a roof.

    CC/20/01003/FUL: 1 Little London. Replacement windows.

    CC/20/01005/DOM: 30 Highland Road. Garden summerhouse.

    CC/20/01013/TCA: 38 Whyke Lane. Notification of intention to reduce height up to 3m and widths by up to 2.5m on 4 no. Leyland Cypress trees (T1-T4). Reduce height by up to 1.5m and widths up to 1m on 1 no. Pittosporum tree (T5).

    CC/20/01014/TCA: 52 Whyke Lane. Notification of intention to reduce height by 2m and widths by 1.5m on 1no. Bay tree (T1).

    CC/20/01017/FUL: 19 Highland Road. 1 no. dwelling and associated works.

    CC/20/01018/DOM: 37 Whyke Lane. Single storey side extensions with rooms in the roof space.

    CC/20/01023/DOM: 2 Laburnum Grove. Gable extension and additional first floor window to permitted application 19/02682/DOM, for erection of 2 no. hip to gable extensions to the north and south elevations. Increase ridge height, installation of 1 no. dormer to west elevation and 2 no. rooflights, porch extension and associated alterations.

    CC/20/01030/DOM: 5 Clay Lane. Change use of loft space to habitable accommodation to include rear facing dormer window (permitted development) and front facing roof-light. Proposed single storey side and rear extension.

    CC/20/01046/REM: Land On The West Side Of Broyle Road. All outstanding Reserved Matters for the erection of 50 dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, informal open space and associated works on Phase 5, Parcel F, pursuant to permission 14/04301/OUT.

    CH/20/00737/FUL: The Nest, 13 The Avenue, Hambrook. Erection of 4 no. dwellings and associated works - Various of Condition 2 of planning permission CH/18/00810/FUL - To substitute drawings to reflect proposed addition of garages to Plots 1 and 2.

    SDNP/20/01349/HOUS: Jasper, West Marden Hill, West Marden. Replace existing UPVC windows with timber framed and glazing bars in keeping to the original style and new font door, all to the North Elevation. Alterations to existing archway/brickwork.

    E/20/00371/LBC: Jasmine Cottage, Bell Lane. Replacement water reed thatch to roof.

    E/20/00998/FUL: 113 Second Avenue, Almodington. Erection of 2 no. semi-detached 4 bedroom chalet bungalows - alternative to planning permission - E/18/00578/FUL for change of use to 2no. dwellings and external works.

    SDNP/20/01183/CND: Lowerfield House, Easebourne Street. Erection of detached double garage, plant store and studio above. (Variation of condition 1 and 3 from planning permission SDNP/14/02084/FUL- Garage deck enlarged to 3500mm x 4000mm and materials changed from timber to steel frame and composite decking).

    SDNP/20/01492/CND: Sorrel Cottage, Duncton Common Road. Single storey extension to the north-west elevation with room in the roof and 2 no. dormers. 2 no. additional dormers to room over existing lounge on north-east and south-west elevations (Variation of condition 2 from planning permission SDNP/16/02535/HOUS - Omission of 2no. pitched roof dormer windows in lieu of 1no. rooflight).

    SDNP/20/01510/TCA: Rose Cottage, School Lane. Notification of intention to prune back to previous pruning points on 1 no. Willow tree (T1) and fell 1 no. Norway Spruce tree (T2).

    FU/20/00932/FUL: Bramley Barn, Scant Road, East Hambrook. Proposed stables for equestrian use.

    SDNP/20/01258/HOUS: Chelsea Cottage, Graffham Street. Single storey side conservatory extension and new porch with associated roof alterations.

    SDNP/20/01430/FUL: Glasses Barn, Graffham Common Road. Replacement of a single dwelling house using existing materials and demolition and rebuilding of a former Craft Barn to be retained as ancillary studio space for the house.

    SDNP/20/01435/CND: Cartref, Graffham Common Road. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 1 no. replacement dwelling and associated works (alternative scheme to previously approved replacement dwelling LPA ref. SDNP/17/05846/FUL) - Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission SDNP/19/04023/FUL - Amendments to approved drawings (Roof Finish & Windows).

    SDNP/19/05715/FUL: Tracks adjacent to Freelands, A272 Croucham Lane to Linfold Road, Strood Green. Installation of 6 no. telegraph poles and 2 no. sections of underground ductwork along track (at The Mens Woodland path) connecting up approx. 455m of broadband cable to serve West Cottage and Freelands.

    SDNP/20/01405/FUL: Barnetts Cottages, Fitzlea Wood Road, East Lavington. Demolition of two dwellings and replacement with one dwelling and associated annexe, restoration and relocation of timber outhouse, relocation of bridleway, landscape design and drainage works including balancing pond.

    PS/20/00581/FUL: Hoveto, Dunsfold Road, Plaistow. Demolition of existing dwelling and proposed replacement dwelling with 3 bay carport.

    PS/20/00724/DOM: Waldron, Chalk Road, Ifold. Single storey rear extension and new attached garage to front.

    PS/20/00846/DOM: Siskins, 19 The Drive, Ifold. Erection of single storey front and side extensions and detached double garage following demolition of existing single garage, boundary wall and outbuilding. Erection of 1800 high close boarded boundary fence.

    SY/20/00963/FUL: Instant Mailing Services Limited, Unit 3, Pulsar Business Park, Ellis Square. Change of use from B1 and B8 use to B1 and B8 or B2 (general industrial use for the repair and maintenance of motor vehicles only).

    SY/20/01049/DOM: 17 Sunnymead Drive. Demolition of existing sunroom to rear elevation, replaced with new conservatory.

    SI/20/00915/FUL: Jamic Nursery, Street End Lane. Demolition of 2 no. timber buildings and construction of 1 no. replacement timber building to be used for dog training, dog grooming, physiotherapy and business office and erection of 1 no. shed.

    SI/20/00942/DOM: Quay House, Mill Lane. Alterations to ancillary building.

    SI/20/00943/LBC: Quay House, Mill Lane. Alterations to ancillary building.

    SDNP/20/01280/FUL: Cucumber Farm, A286 Cobblers Row To Middlefield. Replacement of existing agricultural barn and improvements to an existing access.

    SB/20/00999/DOM: 6 Breach Avenue. Change the garage roof from a capped hip roof to a full gable. Change the bay window roof and the utility room roof from flat to gable. Infill of the void area behind the garage and the main house.

    SB/20/01010/REM: Priors Orchard Development. Details of the layout, appearance, scale and landscaping of the proposed development of 157 dwellings approved under the outline planning permission SB/14/02800/OUT - (variation of Condition 5 (Landscaping) of planning permission SB/16/03018/REM) - Existing trees are required to be removed due to condition and safety.

    SDNP/20/01563/APNB: Southgrounds Farm, Stopham Road. Prior approval for proposed erection of a general purpose farm building.

    SDNP/20/01302/TPO: Land North of Little Orchard to Kresta, Diddybones Nap, Forestside. Fell 4 no. Ash trees (3, 4, 5 and 6) and fell 1 no. Wild Cherry tree (2). All trees within Area, A1 subject to SO/76/00967/TPO.

    SDNP/20/01303/TPO: Land North East of Diddybones Knap, Diddybones Nap, Forestside. Fell 1 no. Beech tree (7) 1 no. and Whitebeam tree (11). Pollard 1 no. Oak tree (1) and coppice 1 no. Field Maple tree (6). All trees within Group, G1 subject to SO/72/00966/TPO.

    WI/20/00959/DOM: Vivenda, The Street, Itchenor. Installation of 10 No. Photovoltaic Solar Panels to roof of existing garage.

    WW/20/00688/FUL: Land North Of White Barn, Elms Lane. Open fronted agricultural barn for Cattle and Storage for equipment, feed and bedding.

    WW/20/00914/FUL: 45 Marine Drive. Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and the construction of a new two storey house with one outbuilding.

    WE/20/01029/TCA: Mill House, River Street. Notification of intention to crown reduce by 2m on 1 no. Walnut tree (T1).

    WR/20/01036/PA3Q: Stroodlands Cottage, Newpound Lane. Prior Approval Application for Change of Use of Agricultural Building to Dwelling (C3).

    Read more from the original source:
    Chichester planning applications submitted to the district council and the South Downs National Park Authority - Midhurst and Petworth Observer

    Tenants of Hamilton County mobile home park say they were threatened with deportation, eviction by landlords – Chattanooga Times Free Press - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Residents of a largely immigrant Ooltewah mobile home park say they have been manipulated by property managers who threaten deportation and eviction to compel them to pay certain fees and sign questionable leases.

    The property managers of Auburn Hills Mobile Home Park, Steven and Kim West, were arrested in late April and charged with hoarding more than $60,000 in donated supplies intended for park residents affected by a deadly EF3 tornado that tore through it late on Easter Sunday.

    The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office began investigating the Wests after receiving a complaint from a community member a week after the storms hit the park, killing 46-year-old Jose Arzate.

    Deputies seized hundreds of relief items meant for the residents of the park ranging from 54 American Red Cross totes to diapers, masks, cases of bottled water and an unopened generator.

    Many of the donations were stored in a trailer that had been screwed shut, according to the sheriff's office.

    After being released on bond, Kim West was arrested again and charged with coercion after reportedly trying to force residents to sign a document stating that the Wests had provided them with aid after the storm and withholding access to hotel rooms provided by the Red Cross for residents who refused to comply.

    The Tennessee Attorney General's Office has since joined the investigation to determine whether there has been a violation of the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act, a law that protects consumers and businesses from unfair or deceptive business practices.

    With the Wests under investigation, many residents said they have endured behavior from them ranging from unreasonable fines and deportation threats to intimidation and physical threats.

    "They threaten you no matter what," Joel Trujillo, who has lived in the park with his wife and three children for 10 years, told the Times Free Press. "I mean, they just do it for no reason. And every time they threaten you, it's $25. Every time you get a letter, 25 bucks ... and we don't, I mean most of us don't, have anywhere we can go or anyone we can go to about this."

    On multiple occasions the Times Free Press reached out to Kim West in person and via phone. No voice messages were returned and she declined to answer any questions in person, both before and after the arrests.

    During the most recent attempt, reporters asked the Wests, who were outside of their Auburn Hills home and office, where many of the reportedly hoarded supplies had been stored, to respond to allegations made both to authorities and to the newspaper. Steven West did not respond, while Kim West directed reporters to a woman who represents the company that owns the park.

    That woman said the Wests have done nothing wrong.

    Since the storms hit three weeks ago, the Times Free Press has obtained rental documents and spoken to 15 current and former residents of the park who shared similar accounts of facing some sort of fine from the Wests and being threatened with eviction and or deportation if they did not pay.

    The residents, most of whom did not want their names published due to their citizenship status and fears of retaliation, accuse the property managers of barring them from seeking help from law enforcement and even family to remove trees and clean up their lots after the storm.

    Each source described a pattern of the landlords imposing fines ranging from $25-50 for seemingly menial property rule infractions to late payment charges on rent that was paid on time. Each charge was backed up by the threat of deportation or eviction made by the Wests.

    Records provided to the Times Free Press by a former resident, who left the park in 2019, show several examples of late fees on rent that had already been paid, according to money order receipts. The documents detail one specific exchange in which the tenant was made aware of two late fees for August rent one incurred on Aug. 6 and the other incurred on Sept. 6 for the first time in October, and then an additional late fee was imposed before the Oct. 6 deadline.

    The resident, who then allegedly owed $75 in late fees, wrote to the office explaining that rent had been paid on time for each August, September and October, including evidence of the money orders with which the payments were made, but ultimately was forced to pay the $75 by the Wests under threat of eviction, according to documents provided.

    "Believe it or not, I'm glad this thing is going the way it's going because these people, the way they treat us and I say everybody it's not right for them to be charging for no reason," Trujillo said of the tornado and subsequent investigations. "There's a few guys that call and text and say, 'Man, I really don't want to say much because I don't know if we can move or I don't know if we can afford to move away.'"

    As the Wests came under scrutiny by law enforcement and outside community members witnessing the alleged hoarding, many of the other accusations came to light.

    Attorney C. Mark Warren got involved after being told by some residents and tornado relief volunteers that the Wests were allegedly "attempting to use deportation as blackmail for them paying rent on trailers that had been destroyed or inhabitable."

    "That's really what got me involved in the first place, was they were attempting to use the threat of deportation to get them to pay rent, even though their trailers were totally destroyed," he said.

    Over the course of his involvement, Warren was told that the Wests were allegedly attempting to charge double rent if a family's mobile home was destroyed and they moved in with another family. They also reportedly did not allow anyone, including firefighters, to go onto the property to assist with the cleanup.

    Another question that arose was whether the residents were paying for insurance, which residents were charged for even though it was supposed to be obtained by the lessees, according a lease provided by a former tenant. Of the residents interviewed, no one has seen any documentation from or representatives of an insurance company either before or after the storm. Additionally, no resident knew which company was allegedly carrying insurance for their homes.

    A representative of the property? refused to tell the Times Free Press what company the park uses for insurance but said that insurance agents have been "all over" the property since the day after the storm.

    Meanwhile, Warren, who is now representing a tenant who has left the property since the storm hit, said he is seeking more information on insurance and other dealings of the property management.

    "[The residents] are very reluctant to meet and talk, just because of the fear of retaliation," Warren said. "Our first meeting, which was several days after the tornado, when they got back to Auburn Hills, they were confronted by the Wests as far as, you know, who was there, what was talked about, making accusations that they shouldn't have been meeting with anybody about what was going on at Auburn Hills."

    The representative of park owner Auburn Most LLC, a Michigan company that bought Auburn Hills in 2015, declined to share her name or title, but told the Times Free Press that she had been on the property since the week after the storm hit, and that any accusations by the residents were "complete and total lies."

    "It's disgusting. [The Wests] would give any of these people the shirts off of their backs," she said. "It's twisted. I don't know how these people sleep. Satan's got a hold of these people."

    The representative told reporters she would not give any details about the parent company or the Wests' employment but that they "haven't done a damn thing wrong."

    She said that, despite residents claiming Kim West had demanded they sign a document absolving her in the hoarding accusation under the threat of eviction, West only had asked them and never coerced anyone to sign any document.

    As for law enforcement, Trujillo said the sheriff's office has been sympathetic toward residents and has reassured them that they were not investigating their citizenship status, telling residents "we're not after you." Rather, the investigation was focused on the Wests' alleged actions.

    Contact Rosana Hughes at or 423-757-6327 with tips or story ideas. Follow her on Twitter @Hughes Rosana.

    Contact Sarah Grace Taylor at or 423-757-6416. Follow her on Twitter @_sarahgtaylor.

    The rest is here:
    Tenants of Hamilton County mobile home park say they were threatened with deportation, eviction by landlords - Chattanooga Times Free Press

    Self-isolating from COVID-19 in a mobile home? That could be deadly in Arizona – msnNOW - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Photo: David Kadlubowski/The Republic/azc Deadly heat wave: In 2005, 20 deaths were attributed to a July heat wave. Temperatures weren't record-setting, but highs consistently topped 110 degrees and lows didn't dip below the 90s. Heat advisories and excessive-heat warnings lasted for more than a week. Many of the victims were homeless but the dead also included a 37-year-old man found in his vehicle, a 66-year-old man found outside his home and three elderly women found inside their homes. A 97-year-old Mesa man died inside his home, where the temperature had reached 110 degrees. His wife, who was also in the home, survived.

    Summer is coming. The coronavirus is staying. One-hundred-degree temperatures are already here. Before it gets hotter, we need a plan to help people self-isolating in homes they cannot keep cool.

    In 2017, a record 264 heat-related deaths occurred in Arizona. If we act swiftly, we can stop the coronavirus from breaking the record.

    We are heat and housing researchers from the University of Arizona and Arizona State University sounding the alarm. In the coming weeks and months, we see catastrophe ahead for too many Arizonans for whom the coronavirus will make it nearly impossible to escape the heat.

    Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.

    Most households take for granted their ability to beat the heat by simply staying inside. But, for many staying home does not necessarily mean cooling off especially for those with little or no control over the inside temperature of homes.

    These are people struggling to pay utility bills, with little insulation or without air conditioning. In normal times, they would have places to escape to malls, librariesand restaurants. These are no longeroptions. Even some public cooling centers are grappling with whether and how to open.

    In Arizona and across the country, there are stark inequalities in household capacity to adapt to extreme heat, and COVID-19 will expose and compound these disparities. The impacts of this wicked mixture of insecure housing, pandemic disease and extreme heat will be experienced differently according to income, age, race, and something that is often overlooked housing type.

    Even as the state re-opens, vulnerable people will still need to stay home, and Social distancing will be with us through the summer, according to the White House. For hundreds of thousands of Arizonans, staying home will mean staying in a home built in a factory, commonly referred to as a manufactured or mobile home.

    Despite the persistence of worn-out stigmas and stereotypes about trailer parks,manufactured housing is a good-quality, energy-efficient and essential source of affordable housing in our state. For many it offers a high quality of life at low cost that allows residents to raise their families and age in place in social and supportive environments.

    Nevertheless, our research suggests that in Arizona, and in most sunbelt states, the mixture of heat, housing and the coronavirus is likely to be particularly challenging for those communities, where multiple risk factors converge.

    These factors intersect most hazardously in the one-third of units in Maricopa and Pima counties built before national building standards were enacted in 1976, with meager insulation and dangerous wiring. These homes are often substandard and prohibitively expensive to cool.

    This is particularly true in manufactured home parks where shade is scarce but concrete and asphalt are abundant. These materials absorb heat and slowly release it in the evening, elevating temperatures through the night.Even with air-conditioning, residents struggle to lower temperatures below 90 degrees.

    Consider Tanya, a stroke survivor, whose home we measured last summer at 111 degrees, or 97-year-old Albert, whose broken swamp cooler leaked through the ceiling where he sat in front of two fans.

    What do you do when it is dangerously hot in your house, even hotter outside, and there is nowhere to go? The coronavirus has limited the options for people like Tanya and Albert, and finding safe ways to provide thermal relief is a matter of life and death.

    Manufactured home residents are already over-represented among indoor heat-related deaths. In Maricopa County, 4.9%of housing units are manufactured homes, but they are the scene for 27.5%of indoor heat-associated deaths. Similar patterns likely exist in Pima County, where heat-morbidity data is less available, but climate conditions are similar, the population is poorer, and the proportion of manufactured housing is twice as high.

    Many residents of thermally compromised homes are heat-sensitive seniors at highest risk of severe illness from both the coronavirus and heat exposure.

    While only 15.7%of Phoenix residents are 65 or older, they make up 59%of those who died indoors from heat-related causes, and head half of all manufactured home households. They also account for more than three-quarters of coronavirus deaths in the state. The people who most need the protection of their homesare the ones most likely to die inside them.

    Of the residents we spoke to in Tucson, 40%struggle to make housing-related payments.Keeping the AC running may offer respite from the heat, but not from collection agencies. In Arizona, where utility bills are already 6%higher than the national average, a home-bound summer will drive up energy-costs further.

    Even before millions lost their jobs and were told to stay home a sixth of our interviewees were spending at least 60%of their income on housing-related expenses.

    The picture is grim, but there is much that can be done and reason to hope.

    We all need to pick up the telephoneand take advantage of other technologies to get in touch with family, friends, and neighbors. Too many of the tragic stories of Arizonans who die from heat involve individuals living alone.

    More than ever before, this summer it will be worth the extra effort to reach out to those with whom we have grown distant. Their life might depend on it.

    Long after the coronavirus is gone, the extreme heat experienced by the marginally housed this summer will persist heat waves will get longer, nighttime temperatures will rise, and we will live more of our lives above 100 degrees.

    By addressing immediate cooling needs through shade, solar and insulation, we can create lasting solutions to the sustainability challenges of manufactured housing. Let us tackle this crisis by investing in solutions that will yield environmental, social and economic dividends for years to come.

    Mark Kear andMargaret Wilder workat the University of Arizona.Patricia Sols, David Hondula, and Mark Bernstein work at Arizona State University.

    This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Self-isolating from COVID-19 in a mobile home? That could be deadly in Arizona

    See the original post:
    Self-isolating from COVID-19 in a mobile home? That could be deadly in Arizona - msnNOW

    Weather Talk: Most homes will withstand most tornadoes – The Dickinson Press - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    About 80 percent of all tornadoes in the United States are rated as EF-0 or EF-1, with peak wind gusts below 110 mph. Any tornado has the potential to cause property damage, but wind gusts rated EF-0 or EF-1 are quite survivable if you can ride it out in a well-constructed building.

    Mobile homes are not well-constructed when it comes to surviving a tornado. Scientific studies show a wind of 87 mph can move a trailer off its blocks. Wind at 98 mph can rip the roof off a mobile home, leaving people inside more than a little vulnerable. A regular house would likely come through the same storm with relatively minor damage.

    The rarer, more violent tornadoes can inflict heavy damage on any house, of course, but your odds are still pretty good at survival if you get below ground level in a well-built home. The secret is to talk about a plan to get there in a hurry. Have you talked about your tornado plan?

    Read more from the original source:
    Weather Talk: Most homes will withstand most tornadoes - The Dickinson Press

    List: These are the businesses that must remain closed in Ohio’s extended stay-at-home order – - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    COLUMBUS, Ohio While dentists, veterinarians and elective healthcare procedures are now permitted to resume operations, many other businesses have been ordered to remain closed until further notice as Ohio continues its battle with coronavirus.

    In point #13 within Gov. Mike DeWine's extended stay-at-home order -- which is now in effect through May 29 -- he outlined the following list of business closures that will remain in place until further notice...

    Schools: The Second Amended Director of Health Order signed April 29, 2020, or as it may be subsequently amended, that closed all K-12 schools in the State remains in effect.

    Restaurants and bars: The Director of Health Order signed March 15, 2020, or as it may be subsequently amended, that closed restaurants and bars to all but carry-out and delivery activities in the State remains in effect.

    RELATED: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine forming group to guide restaurant, barbershop and salon reopenings

    Personal appearance / beauty: The Director of Health order signed March 19, 2020, or as it may be subsequently amended, that closed hair salons, day spas, nail salons, barbershops, tattoo parlors, body piercing locations, tanning facilities, massage therapy locations and like businesses in the State remains in effect.

    Adult day support or vocational habilitation services in a congregate setting: The Amended Director of Health Order signed March 21, 2020, or as it may be subsequently amended, that prohibited adult day support or vocational habilitation services in a congregate setting in the State remains in effect.

    Older adult day care services and senior center: The Director of Health Order signed March 24, 2020, or as it may be subsequently amended, that prohibited older adult day care services and closed senior centers in the State remains in effect.

    Child care services: The Director of Health Order signed March 24, 2020, or as it may be subsequently amended, that prohibited child care services, except for facilities with a temporary pandemic child care license, in the State remains in effect.

    Entertainment / recreation / gymnasiums:

    - The Director of Health Order signed March 21, 2020, or as it may be subsequently amended, that closed all indoor family entertainment businesses and venues such as laser tag facilities, roller skating rinks, ice skating rinks, arcades and indoor miniature golf facilities, as well as, adult and child skill or change game facilities in the State remains in effect.

    - The Amended Director of Health Order signed March 17, 2020, or as it may be subsequently amended, that closed auditoriums, stadiums, arenas, parades, fairs, festivals, bowling alleys, health clubs, fitness centers, workout facilities, gyms, yoga studios, indoor trampoline parks, indoor water parks, movie and other theaters (excluding drive-in theaters), performance theaters, all public recreation centers, and indoor sports facilities in the State remains in effect.

    - All places of public amusement, whether indoors or outdoors, including, but not limited to, locations with amusement rides, carnivals, amusement parks, water parks, aquariums, zoos, museums, arcades, fairs, children's play centers, playgrounds, funplexes, theme parks, bowling alleys, concert and music halls, and country clubs or social clubs shall be closed.

    RELATED: Cedar Point extends 2020 season passes through 2021 amid coronavirus

    - Recreational sports tournaments, organized recreational sports leagues, residential and day camps shall be prohibited.

    - Swimming pools, whether public or private, shall be closed, unless it is a swimming pool for a single household.

    - Campgrounds, including recreational camps and recreational vehicle (RV) parks, shall be closed, except that persons residing in recreational vehicles ("RVs") at campgrounds who genuinely have no other viable place of residence may remain in the campground. This campground closure also excludes cabins, mobile homes, or other self-contained units, meant for single families and where preexisting full season agreements already have been established. An example would be individuals who have part-time pre-established seasonal sites at campgrounds for residential activity. Such persons should comply with all applicable guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Ohio Department of Health regarding social distancing.

    You can read the state's extended stay-at-home order in full below:


    See the original post here:
    List: These are the businesses that must remain closed in Ohio's extended stay-at-home order -

    No place like home, away from home: Campgrounds swell with COVID-19 closure escapees this season – Tulsa World - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Its not exactly what Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, but campers this season of COVID-19 sheltering would indeed say there is no place like home away from home.

    RV and tent campers are hitting the hills of Green Country lakes at campgrounds that are happy to have company after out-of-state travelers canceled their bookings due to COVID-19 restrictions.

    Some of the campers are pretty determined, too.

    Its just that people want to get out of the house, said Jim Hassel, owner of Stoney Ridge Campground near Skiatook Lake. After the rain Wednesday, my tent camping area was sopping wet. I met some tent campers who really wanted to stay anyway, and we walked around and looked for quite a while. They finally gave up and said theyd come another time.

    The campground was busy over the winter with construction crews who were shut down, then he had cancellations from out-of-state travelers, but local bookings materialized to fill the slots, Hassel said.

    Now, were getting a lot of people that just want out of the house, and they figure camping is a good way to get social distance, he said.

    He has a lot of campers from nearby Tulsa and Claremore both only a 30-minute drive away.

    Down the road at Salt Creek Marina on Keystone Lake, owner Tim Adams said Tuesday before storms rolled in the lake finally had dropped to normal and people lined up for camping spots and lined up in rows for the boat ramp, even though they knew the fishing wasnt great yet, he said.

    It was almost feeling like a holiday weekend crowd, he said. People are just wanting to get out. We have a good forecast ahead so Im sure its going to get busy again.

    He has a waiting list of 25 people for his campground spaces.

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers campgrounds remain closed at Oklahoma lakes, and that means more business for private campgrounds, too, Hassel said.

    I guess we lost out in one way and were blessed in another, he said.

    Tulsa District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reports that it is coordinating park and campground openings with the Southwestern Division Office in Dallas.

    Preliminary plans show a phased opening approach in the Tulsa District, said district spokesman Preston Chasteen. The one thing wed like everyone to remember is, our primary goal in reopening our parks will be the safety of our employees, contractors and members of the visiting public.

    Once plans are firm and dates are established, the Corps will notify the public through social media and local news outlets, he said.

    Oklahomas state parks and campgrounds remain open, and they are busy.

    For some campgrounds, the early bump to the camping season is an especially welcome blessing after storms and floods last season.

    Jess and Harriet Campbell at Lakewood Village Mobile Home and RV Park on Grand Lake said even their permanent residents have returned early.

    After all the storms last year, we had some residents come early this season just to check on their places and then their cities shut them down and they just decided to stay, Jess Campbell said.

    With the storms and floods, they lost 120 trees and docks, and they lost infrastructure for mobile homes, as well as RVs.

    Weve got the park coming back, and the grass is growing and the trees are green, he said. We have all but three of the permanent homes completely back, we are putting in two more RV spots, we start work on a new dock on Monday, and the crappie are coming in too, so its all exciting, he said. This weekend, were down to where we only have three or four spots left.

    People are trying to get out of town, and with our place opening up, it makes us happy to see them coming and makes us excited for a good summer ahead.


    Altered lives: See how these Tulsans are adjusting their lives and businesses during the coronavirus pandemic

    Kerry Page, the mother of a high school senior, got emotional last weekend. It wasnt because of what her son lost. It was because of what he was given a barn prom for two.

    Kerrys son, Dakota Page, is a senior at Sequoyah High School in Claremore. Dakota left school March 13 with the intent of enjoying spring break and returning to school a week later to wrap up the final chapter the best chapter of his senior year.

    But seniors everywhere were robbed of once-in-a-lifetime moments by the COVID-19 pandemic. Their final sporting events were canceled. Their proms were scrapped. They may not get to wear caps and gowns in front of friends and family members at a commencement ceremony.

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    For Dennis England, the human touch is an important part of the work he does.

    Im a hugger by nature, and Ive always believe that some kind of physical connection is therapeutic in some way, said England, a licensed clinical social worker and therapist who has been in private practice for the past decade.

    Whether its just shaking hands, giving someone a pat on the shoulder, or big old bear hug, depending on the individuals comfort level, that physical touch is a valuable part of the bonding and communication that you need to have with the people youre working with, England said. Its part of the trust that has to develop between a client and a therapist.

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    Bill LaFortune still gets up every morning and gets ready for work. But he doesnt dress up quite like he would normally, and, like most people these days, he doesnt leave the house much.

    Theres no donning of robes, either.

    I am able to do a tremendous amount of work here at the house with my Chromebook (computer), so its been a real life-saver and a game-changer, said Tulsa Countys presiding district judge. And I think for all the judges, as they all get them, it is really going to allow us to keep cases moving as best we can while court is closed.

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    Becoming an entrepreneur at age 27 is no small feat.

    Opening your first food truck amid shelter-in-place orders for the general public is something exponentially more challenging.

    But Megan Brister couldnt be deterred by a global pandemic.

    I thought about it but didnt put too much thought into it because Ive been working toward this for so long, said Brister, who opened the Taco Taco truck on March 21 at 8101 S. Harvard Ave.

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    The Tulsa Zoo is closed because of the coronavirus, but life goes on for the 3,000 animals and the zookeepers who tend to their daily needs.

    Were here 365 or 366 days a year, giving care to the animals, said Joe Barkowksi, zoo vice president for animal conservation and science.

    Were kind of a 24/7 operations, so this isnt really a lot different for us," he said, "except that we dont get to enjoy the guests out here."

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    For real estate agents Josh Rainwater and Kim Vining, 2020 started out to be a record-breaking year. In the first two and a half months of this year, the duo had sold more than double the number of homes as they at this time in 2019.

    Then came the restrictions over concerns about the spread of the coronavirus, with government officials urging citizens to practice social distancing and limiting the size of any public gathering to no more than 10 people.

    Such restraints might seem a sure way to turn a winning streak into a losing proposition. Yet, for Rainwater and Vining, agents with Coldwell Banker Tulsa, the past few weeks have been almost business as usual.

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    Oklahomas kids are going to get back to the business of school on Monday from the confines of home.

    But what will distance learning look like for a 4-year-old? How will third-graders stay on track in reading through the end of their milestone year? How will a middle- or high-schooler finish a band credit all alone?

    We went right to the sources local teachers to find out how theyre going to make learning possible when it might seem impossible.

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    In a pre-coronavirus world, it would be every pastors worst nightmare preaching to an empty auditorium because no one showed up for Easter services.

    But thats exactly what the Rev. Bill Scheer, pastor of Guts Church, and many other Tulsa pastors will do Sunday, Easter morning, as Americans shelter in their homes to slow the coronavirus pandemic.

    And Scheer is upbeat about the situation.

    Theres a lot of negatives about this, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. They really do, he said.

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    Jaime Espalin gives his members personalized coaching every time they enter Fenix Strength and Conditioning, which he co-owns with his wife, Maria.

    Espalin is continuing to provide them instruction even while gym facilities are shut down due to COVID-19. With the help of PushPress Gym software, Fenixs members can still receive Espalins coaching while they work out at home.

    Im invading peoples homes digitally because I cant be there to coach them personally, Espalin said. I have an app. When people pay and get a membership they get access to our workouts, every day, its very interactive.

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    There are no two ways around it hauling trash is a tough, dirty job.

    And in the age of COVID-19, its potentially dangerous.

    Doug Kackowski doesnt worry much about that. This garbage truck driver just does his job.

    I think Im a little old school in my thought process, said Kackowski, 54. Im kind of like, your body will get used to it. I wouldnt let it affect me until it happens, you know, cause until then, its a useless worry.

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    Jason Montroy was a regular visitor to the gym. Now that its closed, the personal trainer and Oklahoma Union coach created Montroy G & G (garage and gym) at his house. He works daily with his 9-year-old son Chase, a youth wrestler and football player.

    During a hot Thursday in Collinsville, the pair did leg work on the driveway and in the garage.

    He wants to work out, Montroy said. Its really cool for him to have that desire to want to do it and be shown the right way and the right form.

    An added benefit is an unexpected opportunity for father-son bonding time.

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    Spring break usually brings popular movies to theaters for families with children out of school, and that can mean a week of catching up for the year financially for an independent theater owner like Mike Mendenhall at Eton Square Cinema.

    This years COVID-19 spring break instead saw those hit movies postponed and Mendenhall closing his theater at 8421 E 61st St. for the immediate future, laying off 15 employees to go sign up for unemployment.

    Were just shut down. Its not like theres any curbside service we can offer, he said.

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    As Oklahoma public schools adopt distance learning models to both continue to educate students and protect against COVID-19, the word distance hits hard.

    Teachers like Akela Leach miss their kids fiercely.

    One moment you are with these kids every single day and you become like a caretaker away from home, said Leach, a fifth grade teacher at Tulsas Lanier Elementary, and then youre just separated.

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    Coronavirus restrictions make this an awkward time for someone in a leadership position to change agencies.

    After nearly 13 years as executive director of The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges, Lori Long had to order its doors closed for what would have been her last day at work Wednesday.

    On Monday, she will start as executive director of the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, unable to meet with her new staff, who are in the middle of a growing emergency situation because of the pandemic with so many people out of work and with kids out of school.

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    Donnie Rich was among those who helped save, and restore, the Outsiders House.

    Now hes trying to save his business.

    The Venue Shrine, a live music venue at 112 E. 18th St., is in financial danger due to circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The music industry artists and venues have been impacted by a stoppage of live music gatherings.

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    Adrian King told Guerin Emig early Thursday he will comply with the order to close his barber shop.

    "After having some time to think things over I have decided to follow (the) 21-day shutdown order as it is the responsible and safe thing to do," King said in a text message. "In our second talk (Wednesday) I was talking from pure frustration from all that has happened in such a short time."

    King closed his text with "Stay safe."

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    During stressful times, Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers Neighborhood would share this message: Look for the helpers. Were finding them, and w

    The rest is here:
    No place like home, away from home: Campgrounds swell with COVID-19 closure escapees this season - Tulsa World

    Base Cabin Is the Eco-Friendly Micro Home You Can Take With You Everywhere – autoevolution - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The idea of being able to pack up your house and take it with you whenever you decide to move to another place or even another country is a very appealing one. The same goes for the promise of all creature comforts (and even some luxury), in a space considerably smaller than what were (probably) used to in our current, brick-and-mortar homes and apartments.

    Add to this the promise of a more sustainable, more efficient, less costly and more in touch with nature lifestyle, and you can see why a certain segment of the population is drawn to mobile homes. Base Cabin, from Australian maker of the same name, hopes to capitalize on this trend, with a new custom micro home on wheels.

    The Base Cabin is the creation of British architect Ben Edwards of Studio Edwards and, while it bears a certain resemblance to the Sandcrawler from Star Wars, its supposedly directly influenced by the exterior of Airstream trailer and the geometry of the iconic A-frame cabin. TheBase Cabin aims to deliver minimalist living with a small footprint, enhanced connection to Mother Nature and some of the comforts of a larger home.

    The Base Cabins resemblance to the A-frame cabin is more readily apparent: by using asymmetry, this micro home remains easily transportable but without compromising on interior space. By choosing differently-sized angular shapes, Edwards also ensures a clear avoidance of the boxy design of most trailers and micro / tiny / mobile homes.

    The design also makes sense from an efficiency perspective. The A-frame uses less material than conventional portal framed buildings, he says. This was an important consideration in regards to the overall mass of the building it had to be transportable.The Base Cabin is divided into three main living areas, with plenty of space for each. Total interior space is over 160 square feet (14.8 square meters): theres a sleeping area with a large-size bed, a bathroom in the center of the unit next to a cooking area, and a relaxation space.

    There are large windows on all sides, including a skylight above the bed and another one in the bathroom. Doors are also made of glass panels, so the space is always bathed in natural light, which enhances the feeling of one with nature that comes with a mobile home. Meanwhile, the sloped walls create a sense of intimacy.

    By emphasizing the fact that a micro, mobile home allows you to go off the grid and back into Mother Natures loving arms, and the use of alternative building materials, there is strong indication that the Base Cabin is built with a focus on sustainability. This, if accurate, would be great and add to the appeal of this quirky-shaped house on wheels.

    However, there is no mention of energy consumption needed to run this house, towing capacity of the parent vehicle, or any other type of resource needed to live like in an actual home. The availability of so little storage space could also indicate that this is more of a vehicle for short-term adventures than an actual micro home fit for long-term living on or off the grid.

    Pricing for the Base Cabin starts at AUD $99,000 (USD $65,000) and the makers say theyre open to all queries. They also emphasize that, Whilst the cabins we build are small in size, we seek out the best finishes to incorporate them into our spaces. We believe in quality over quantity. For what its worth.

    Follow this link:
    Base Cabin Is the Eco-Friendly Micro Home You Can Take With You Everywhere - autoevolution

    Testing expansion – Scottish Government News - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Target reached as capacity increases.

    A further expansion of coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in Scotland has been announced as it was confirmed that the target to reach capacity for 3,500 tests a day across NHS labs has been exceeded.

    The normal daily capacity for analysing tests in Scotland has now reached 8,350. This figure is made up of 4,350 NHS tests and 4,000 from the Glasgow Lighthouse Laboratory.

    The First Minister confirmed the numbers as she announced testing in Scotland will be expanded to include:

    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:

    At the start of this outbreak, only two laboratories in Scotland carried out tests. Now there are labs at all 14 health boards, we have exceeded our target to test 3,500 samples a day in the NHS and, working with the Lighthouse Lab at Glasgow University, capacity for testing in Scotland has now reached 8,323 and is on track to expand further this month.

    Given that our capacity has now expanded significantly, that means we can further extend eligibility for testing.

    We now intend to undertake enhanced outbreak investigation in all care homes where there are cases of COVID-19 - this will involve testing, subject to individuals consent, all residents and staff, whether or not they have symptoms. In addition, we are testing symptomatic over 65s as well as those who need to leave their homes to work.

    We are also expanding the surveillance testing programme to include antibody testing. This is another tool which will allow us to monitor the proportion of people exposed to COVID-19 and help tackle its spread across the population.


    Testing at Regional Testing Centres and mobile units

    In addition to key workers currently eligible, all symptomatic over 65s and household and those of any age who are symptomatic who need to leave their homes to work and household will have access to tests. Tests will be booked through the UK Governments on-line system at will be conducted at five regional drive-through test sites in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Inverness and Perth and at mobile test sites being initially located at a number of locations including Motherwell, Dunoon, Prestwick, Stranraer, Galashiels, Peterhead and Elgin.At times a queuing system may have to be put into operation on the website for those locations where demand is highest. This is monitored regularly.

    Serology stream of the enhanced surveillance programme (antibody testing)

    The serology stream of Health Protection Scotlands enhanced surveillance programme will run for at least 16 weeks and will initially involve six NHS boards; expansion into other boards is also planned. Approximately 500 residual blood samples from biochemistry laboratories (submitted from primary care)will be tested per week at the Scottish Microbiology Reference Laboratory in Inverness. To ensure comparability with other UK data, HPS will be using similar methodology originally developed by Public Health England. To achieve a fair representation of the Scottish population, the initial samples will be distributed across the six participating boards, and by age-group and sex.

    Laboratory capacity to process tests in Scotland on 30 April 2020

    NHS Scotland Labs: 4,350 tests

    Glasgow University Lighthouse Laboratory: 4,000 tests

    Total current capacity in Scotland: 8,350 tests.

    Target was 3,500 by end April.


    Since the start of the Coronavirus outbreak, NHS lab capacity has been increased from two NHS labs (Glasgow and Edinburgh) with total capacity to do 350 tests a day, to a point today where there is lab testing capacity in all 14 health board areas.

    NHS Scotland labs this figure represents maximum capacity. Capacity may fluctuate and exceed testing demand on a daily basis for a number of reasons. We work closely with health boards to improve the efficiency of the testing system and the National Labs Programme (led by NSS) is leading work to optimise the capacity utilisation of the system.

    The capacity of NHS Scotland labs is projected to increase to at least 8,000 by the middle of May.

    Tests carried out in Scotland on 30 April 2020

    Tests done by NHS in hospitals/community/care homes: 2,537 tests *Tests done by drive-throughs/mobile/homes testing: 2,124 tests **Total number of tests done in Scotland on 30 April: 4,661


    The drive through/mobile/homes testing number has not previously been included in daily figures. It will be from now on.

    Sources: * Health Protection Scotland and ** Deloitte

    Coronavirus (COVID-19): how to get tested

    See original here:
    Testing expansion - Scottish Government News

    ENR Mountain States Announces 2020 Design Firms of the Year – Engineering News-Record - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ENR Mountain States, working in concert with other regional ENR publications and editors across the U.S., has selected its Design Firms of the Year for 2020. They are Method Studio, Salt Lake City, for the Intermountain area (Utah, Idaho and Montana); and JVA Inc., with multiple offices in Colorado, for the Colorado-Wyoming-Dakotas side of the region.

    Design Firms of the Year are chosen by a vote of ENR regional editors across the country from a carefully selected group of finalists based on regional revenues, new initiatives, current projects, community and industry contributions, and several other factors.

    Architectural and interior design firm Method Studio has grown from six people to 98 employees since its inception 13 years ago, including an 18% growth in full-time equivalency and a 19% boost in revenue in 2019 alone. The firms design work focuses on the higher education, performing arts, multifamily, corporate and civic sectors, with a 98% base of repeat clients.Its recent projects include:

    New projects include:

    Last year the firm implemented a leadership training program for 35 of its employees, improved an ongoing project management training program and a QX program that analyzes and updates quality-control processes firm-wide.

    Method Studio has received numerous awards from AIA and IIDA, including Best of State in Commercial Architecture in Utah in 2018, firm of the year with WIA in 2017 and firm of the year with IIDA in 2016. The firm also has been part of many winning teams for ENR Mountain States Best Projects over the past 10 years.

    JVA Inc. is a structural, civil and environmental consulting engineering firm headquartered in Boulder, with four other offices in Colorado. The firms key services include K-12 and higher ed facilities, health care, municipal, state and federal projects, historic preservation, forensic engineering, site design, stormwater collection, municipal infrastructure, parks, sports fields, hospitality, residential and water and wastewater treatment plants.

    JVA also has a group of engineers dedicated to preservation of historic properties, specializing in development of sensitive and creative treatments for archaic building systems.

    The firm consults nationwide on behalf of the National Park Service and statewide on projects funded by History Colorados State Historical Fund. In addition, JVA also leads multi-discipline teams on projects for on-call contracts with the U.S. Forest Service and other entities.

    In 2019 the firm increased its staff in all three of its major disciplines and completed facility expansions in three of its five Colorado offices, most prominently in downtown Denver.

    In addition, JVA acquired Structural Consultants Inc. (SCI) in 2019, a Denver-based consulting engineering firm.

    The JVA structural teams Many Glacier Hotel Renovation project in Glacier National Park won a 2018 NCSEA Award of Excellence in Structural Engineering and was featured on the April 2020 cover of STRUCTURE magazine.

    Profile stories on both firms will appear in the June issue of ENR Mountain States. Congratulations to this years winners.

    See more here:
    ENR Mountain States Announces 2020 Design Firms of the Year - Engineering News-Record

    Weekly Update: Global Coronavirus Impact and Implications on Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services Market Overview, Top Companies, Inventive… - May 3, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Study on the Global Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services Market

    The report on the global Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market reveals that the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% during the forecast period (2019-2029). The report provides a thorough assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current and future prospects of the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market across various geographies. Further, the report provides accurate data related to the business continuity and contingency strategies adopted by leading market players operating in the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market.

    The quantitative and qualitative assessment of the various segments of the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market enables stakeholders, investors, upcoming and established market players to devise robust business development strategies. The report tracks the recent developments within the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market in terms of innovation, technological progress, regulatory framework, supply chain bottlenecks, and more.

    Get Free Sample PDF (including COVID19 Impact Analysis, full TOC, Tables and Figures) of Market Report @

    Major Doubts Pertaining to the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services Market Addressed in the Report

    Segmentation Analysis of the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services Market

    The growth potential of the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market in each region is accurately depicted in the report. The market attractiveness index included in the report enables readers to identify the most lucrative pockets within the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market and make informed business decisions.

    The report throws light on the adoption pattern of different products along with a thorough analysis of the pricing and supply-demand ratio of each product.

    Competitive Landscape

    The competitive landscape section of the report tracks the business proceedings of the key players operating in the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services market. The pricing, marketing, sales, and promotional strategies adopted by each market player is represented in the report. The contingency strategies of different players amidst the COVID-19 pandemic are touched upon in the presented report.

    The key players covered in this studyPreferred Pools and PatiosSOLitude Lake ManagementKaren LandscapingGreenscape Pump ServicesCustom FountainsAtlantic FountainsMaple Crest LandscapeRM ServicesFalkofskeDiluvialAlabama Aquarium & Pond ServicesDan Euser WaterarchitectureCustom Ponds and FountainsCrystal WaterscapesLL Waterfall DesignW.P. LawClearwater Landscape & NurseryAqua TerraAdvantage LandscapePool TechLeff Landscape AssociatesCarroll LandscapingImpressions LandscapeAquatec FountainsThe Fountain CompanyLandscapes Unlimited CNY

    Market segment by Type, the product can be split intoFountainsWaterfallsMarket segment by Application, split intoResidentialCommercial

    Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSoutheast AsiaIndiaCentral & South America

    The study objectives of this report are:To analyze global Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.To present the Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services development in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India and Central & South America.To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.To define, describe and forecast the market by type, market and key regions.

    In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Architectural Fountains and Waterfalls Services are as follows:History Year: 2015-2019Base Year: 2019Estimated Year: 2020Forecast Year 2020 to 2026For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2019 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

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