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    Lisa Carter Waring: When stuck without your phone, think like MacGyver – The Fayetteville Observer - May 6, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Last week I went down to the barn to feed our horse, Butter Bean. When I got inside the barn, I began my regular routine. I gave her a scoop of grain, a pad of hay and her Redbird peppermint treat.

    All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew the barn door shut. The door has an outside latch and there is no inside handle.

    I thought to myself, Well, that's just great. I am locked up inside the barn.

    I looked around and the only two visible openings were where Butter Bean gets her grain and gets her hay. Both are about 10 feet off the ground in her stall. Each had something under the opening, one being a grain bucket and the other a metal hay feeder. I knew if I tried to climb out of either I would at best break my leg and at worst break my neck. Plus Butter Bean wouldnt budge from the grain bucket.

    I looked around and there were two glass windows that dont open. I surely didn't want to break one of them because we would have to replace it. Then there was the front swinging window that is made out of an old barn door. It was closed and my husband Mike had placed a lot of old boards, another barn door and a lot of other stuff up against it.

    I figured I would have to call Mike to come and let me out of the barn. That is when I realized I left my cell phone in the car. Since I was only running in and out, I didnt think I would need it.

    Oh great!" I thought to myself. I realized then I was really stuck in the barn.

    I was glad I told Mike where I was going but I began to wonder how long it would be before he looked for me. I decided I had to take matters into my own hands. I thought to myself, What would MacGyver do?"

    Some of you may remember MacGyver, the title character from a television show that aired between 1985 and 1992. It was about a government agent that had an uncanny knack for problem-solving in tough situations.

    I decided the swinging window was my best bet. I moved every board, every piece of plywood, the old barn door and everything else from in front of the wooden window over the porch. I prayed I would be able to figure out how to get that large wooden window open. I noticed a rubber bungee cord with a hook on the ceiling. It took every bit of strength I had but I managed to pull up the heavy wooden window and connect the hook on the window to the hook on the bungie cord hanging from the ceiling.

    It opened the large window about half way but it was large enough for me to get out. Then I thought about the bungee cord. It was obviously old and if it broke while I was not all the way out, that heavy piece of wood would swing closed and smash me like a potato.

    I tugged on it a few times and it held. So I counted to three, ran and rolled onto the window ledge and then put my legs down to lower myself to the porch. Butter Bean was still eating, by the way.

    I called Mike on my way home and told home what happened and I think he is still laughing. He did rig up a hay string to pull the latch from inside the barn the following morning.

    Moral of the story: Always carry your cell phone, even if you are running in and out of somewhere and if you do by chance get stuck and there appears to be no way out, simply ask yourself What would MacGyver do?

    Excerpt from:
    Lisa Carter Waring: When stuck without your phone, think like MacGyver - The Fayetteville Observer

    Survival Tips for Void Bastards, Out Tomorrow on PS4 – PlayStation.Blog - May 6, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Many occupants of the Sargasso nebula routinely violate occupational health and safety guidelines, resulting in a high turnover of clients like yourself. However, by paying attention to the following you can extend your utility to CNT and help tick us many action items as possible.

    Some inhabitants of the nebula have developed problematic behaviors Zecs have been known to deploy invulnerable shields for example. Taking the right weapon can neutralize a lot of their advantages. Kittybots whizz around so fast that Zecs cant turn their shields towards them before they self-destruct. The Hyper Rifter spits foes out with their backs to you, giving you invaluable time to pull off a cowardly sucker punch.

    Each client has their own unique blend of traits and some of these are better than others (or might just suit your play style better). Some of the best traits are those that let you see additional information on the map like the location of security elements. Some of the worst are those that handicap you, like the good old Yahoo who yells out whenever they find loot alerting nearby enemies. If you find yourself with a client with unhelpful traits, try heading to a WCG ship and find a Gene Therapy terminal to reroll them. Or, in the worst case, stand in front of a Gunpoint and force BACS to replace you with an entirely new client

    The discretion/valour debate has been resolved and discretion won. With the best plan in the world, sometimes things just go wrong. A pack of Juves discovers you as youre trying to take out a Gunpoint. The mouse ball youre after turns out to be on the other side of a crop of toxic mushrooms. Why not just give up and retreat to S.T.E.V. where you can jet off and look for an easier target?

    Binge eating cures a lot, specifically low health. If youve stocked up on cheese and onion sandwiches (try visiting a Lux Dining Room) you can always rest and relax on the S.T.E.V. to recover valuable health.

    Smart clients know the value of a locked door. Rift spawning hostiles in that Hab module? Lock the door and bypass it. Screw stomping around in the Security station? Lock those doors and leave him alone. If youre feeling vindictive, why not toss a Clusterflak in through the broken window to keep him entertained?

    Planning your visits in an orderly fashion can really make your day easier. We all know that Xonnox specialises in medical procedures and is the best place to go when your health is low but did you also know that CNT offices are a great place to find Staples to reload the Stapler? And that some late game Otori ships are the place to load up on the awesome Scrambler Eggs? You dont even need to memorise this information just be sure to examine the helpful preview panels while on board S.T.E.V.

    Though it might be legal, theres little reward for murdering citizens other than the satisfaction of seeing them explode in a cloud of cosmic goo. As ammunition is usually in short supply in the Nebula, you should try to avoid combat where possible. If you do have to fight, try to leverage your environment to minimise costs: lure enemies into radiation, eject them into space from a launch tube or turn them on each other with the Scrambler.

    Remember client, BACS is counting on you to get the other clients back to the Som processing station so that they can serve their sentences. So get cracking when Void Bastards launches on PS4 tomorrow.

    Read more from the original source:
    Survival Tips for Void Bastards, Out Tomorrow on PS4 - PlayStation.Blog

    The 10 Best Handyman Services in Oklahoma City, OK 2020 - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    In some states, a handyman can provide plumbing services, but it may be in your best interest to call a plumber, particularly for issues more major than unclogging a drain or attaching a new sink. Hiring a plumber is important because mishandling your water and gas lines has the potential to do great damage to your home, your familys health, or even the safety of your neighborhood. A handyman is not legally required to have any training or licensing in plumbing matters, while a licensed plumber has undergone years of education and on-the-job training. In some cases, homeowners insurance wont cover damage caused by plumbing repair done by an unlicensed handyman.

    According to the U.S. Department of Labor, most plumbers learn their trade through a four- or five-year apprenticeship with 2,000 hours of paid on-the-job training. They also receive classroom education including safety, local plumbing codes and regulations, and blueprint reading. They also study mathematics, applied physics, and chemistry. After completing an apprenticeship program, plumbers are considered to be journey workers, qualifying them to perform duties on their own, according to the DOL. Licensed plumbers should do continuing education to keep abreast of safety and technology changes. Poor plumbing can lead to sewage backups, a flooded home or even natural gas leaks, so its best to leave it in the hands of a specialized professional.

    See the rest here:
    The 10 Best Handyman Services in Oklahoma City, OK 2020

    Colorados Safer at Home Order Permits Some Businesses to Reopen with Strict COVID-19 Suppression Measures – JD Supra - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    On April 27, 2020, Colorado began its phased relaxation of the statewide stay-at-home restrictions in place since March 25, 2020, with Governor Jared Poliss issuance of Executive Order D 2020 044, styled the Safer at Home Order. Colorado has thus joined the growing number of states permitting certain employees to report to work.

    Colorados approach, however, is distinct: its return-to-work guidelines are some of the most complicated measures in the country, as detailed in the 34-page Public Health Order 20-28 expounding on the Safer at Home Order, and the many pages of additional rules and guidance posted on the states designated COVID-19 webpage. These requirements include everything from mandatory daily temperature checks and symptom monitoring, to the designation of a COVID-19 workplace coordinator, and additional detailed rules applicable to specific industries.

    This Insight summarizes what the Safer at Home Order requires, to whom it applies, and various other important issues it raises. The state is issuing additional rules and guidance at a steady clip, so it is important for employers to stay updated on emerging developments.

    All Businesses Permitted to Open Must Follow Many Additional Requirements, Including Administering Daily Temperature Checks and Symptom Monitoring

    Before addressing the categories of businesses that may reopen, it is important to emphasize that all businesses that open must deploy a series of complicated procedures to comply with the Safer at Home Order. If these procedures are not implemented, the business risks being fined and ordered to close, among other penalties.

    Temperature & Symptom Checks. First, all employers that open must implement symptom monitoring protocols, which include daily temperature checks and monitoring symptoms in employees. In most cases, this will require having a designated person at the door check for symptoms and take the temperature of all employees, vendors, and visitors before they can enter the business, as well as ensuring that individuals queuing for the check maintain a six-foot distance from one another.

    Individuals whose temperatures test at 100.4F or higher should be told to exit the facility and to contact their supervisor for notification, while individuals with temperatures of 99.2 F or higher should monitor their temperatures twice a day and also notify their supervisor. Likewise, employees should be asked if they have dry cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and/or nasal congestion, and those who have two or more symptoms should be told to leave the facility and notify their supervisor. Employees with an elevated temperature or symptoms of COVID-19 should also be referred to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)s symptom tracker.

    Procedures When Employees Show Symptoms of or Test Positive for COVID-19. Additionally, the Order requires a number of steps employers must take if an employee tests positive or shows symptoms of COVID-19. Namely, employers must increase cleaning in the facility and reiterate that staff must maintain social distancing of at least six feet, and exclude the employee with symptoms from the workplace until the individual is fever-free without medication for 72 hours and at least seven days have passed since their first symptoms. Additionally, if multiple employees have symptoms, the employer must notify the local health department.

    COVID-19 Workplace Coordinator. Further, the Order requires businesses to deputize a workplace coordinator(s) charged with addressing COVID-19 issues. This coordinator should be the point person for ensuring compliance with the Order, addressing questions related to COVID-19, and handling other issues that may arise regarding returning to work.

    Social Distancing and Sanitation Requirements. The Safer at Home Order reiterates that employers must continue to enforce Social Distancing Requirements. This includes taking steps to ensure that employees maintain six feet of separation; discouraging shared spaces; cleaning and disinfecting all high-touch areas in accordance with guidance from the CDPHE; posting signage for employees and customers on good hygiene; ensuring proper ventilation; encouraging breaks to wash hands or use hand sanitizer; phasing shifts and breaks to reduce density; and avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people.

    Vulnerable Individuals Must be Accommodated and Must Still Shelter in Place

    The Order requires employers to provide reasonable work accommodations for Vulnerable Individuals, such as telecommuting.

    Vulnerable Individuals are defined to include:

    These individuals must remain at home even if their workplace opens, and the Order is explicit that they cannot be compelled to work for any business or government function, even if the individuals place of employment is open for business.

    With regard to customers, the Order requires employers to create whenever possible special hours for Vulnerable Individuals only. For example, many grocery stores already have implemented hours where only Vulnerable Individuals may enter the store to minimize their risk of exposure to COVID-19.

    Provide Protective Gear, Like Masks, Gloves and Face Coverings. The Order requires employers that open to provide appropriate protective gear like gloves, masks, and face coverings to their employees, and encourage customers to utilize the same while on the premises. What is appropriate may vary by workplace.

    Other Requirements. The Safer at Home Order provides a number of additional requirements and recommendations. Employers should, to the greatest extent possible, provide flexible or remote scheduling for employees who may have child or elder care obligations, or who live with a Vulnerable Individual. Likewise, employers should continue to encourage and enable remote work whenever possible.

    Additional Requirements for Employers with 50 or More Employees: If an employer has 50 or more employees in a single location, it must also:

    Certain Business Permitted To Open

    Having addressed how to reopen, we turn next to who can reopen. The Safer at Home Order only permits certain authorized businesses to open, subject to the above requirements and some additional, industry-specific rules.

    First are Critical Business and Critical Government Functions,2which were allowed to stay open throughout the period that the now-expired Stay at Home Order was in effect. These same Critical Businesses and Critical Government Functions may remain open, but are now subject to the new restrictions described above.

    Non-Critical Retail, defined as, essentially, any retail service not included in the list of Critical Businesses, are also now permitted to open. Non-Critical Retail includes businesses like retailers of clothing, home goods, cell phones, mattresses, and appliances; thrift shops; apothecaries; vape and tobacco shops; craft, hobby and fabric stores; fishing tackle retailers; sporting goods stores; boutiques; and the like. Until May 1, 2020, however, Non-Critical Retail Businesses may operate and offer goods only through delivery, window service, walk-up, drive through, drive-up, curbside delivery, or any other manner allowing for strict compliance with mandatory social distancing requirements.

    As of May 1, 2020, retail businesses may open to the public at 50% capacity. They must still take additional preventative steps, such as limiting returns, installing Plexiglas screens at checkout counters, using contact-less payment systems, closing public seating areas, marking six-feet distancing measures in check-out lines, and the like. Please refer to the applicable guidance for more specific information applicable to retail businesses, and/or contact counsel.

    Field Services. As of April 27, 2020, Field Services are also now permitted to be open. Field Service businesses are those that provide a service out in the field as opposed to a company property, such as real estate businesses, lawn care and landscaping, house cleaning, handyman services, and more. There are additional requirements specifically applicable to Field Services businesses, including:

    Personal Services. As of May 1, 2020, Personal Services may resume in-person services if they meet the requirements of the Safer at Home Order. Personal Services businesses are services and products that are not necessary to maintain an individuals health or safety, or the sanitation or essential operation of a business or residence, and include things like hair salons, massage therapists, pet groomers, and dry cleaners. Personal Services businesses must limit gatherings at the workplace to 10 or fewer people or 50% of the maximum occupancy for the location, inclusive of employees and customers.

    Non-Critical Office-Based Businesses. As of May 4, 2020, Non-Critical Office-Based Businesses may allow up to 50% of their employees to conduct in-person work. Notably, Colorado permitsoffice-based businesses with fewer than 25 employees to have their employees conduct self-temperature and symptom checks at home before coming to work, rather than being tested at the workplace.

    Business Not Permitted to Open

    The Order also specifies industries that still must remain closed to ingress, egress, use, and occupancy by members of the public for the immediate future. These industries are:

    However, the requirement to remain closed does not apply to:

    Social Distancing Requirements Remain in Effect

    The Safer at Home Order does not loosen many of the Social Distancing requirements in Colorado. It urges all individuals and businesses to limit gatherings to at most 10 people, maintain six feet distance between individuals, and to stay at home and to isolate when possible. Further, employers are encouraged to permit employees to work remotely when possible. Individuals are urged to wear face coverings in public.

    Variance Requests

    The Order expressly provides that local authorities may deviate from the terms of the Safer at Home Order. However, localities seeking to implement a different COVID-19 suppression plan must apply to the CDPHE for a waiver, and include in their application an alternative COVID-19 suppression plan endorsed by the local public health agency and adopted by the county commissioners or other county-level governing body, in addition to verification from local hospitals that they have the capacity to serve all people needing their care.

    Localities May Adopt Stricter Rules Than the Safer at Home Order, and Many Already Have Done So

    While there are limitations on counties loosening the restrictions from the Safer at Home Order, Colorado municipalities are free to adopt stricter approaches than the baseline set at the state level. Many Colorado municipalities have already indicated that, despite Governor Poliss relaxing of the statewide shelter-in-place order, they do not intend to relax the restrictions in place within their purview in the near future.

    For instance, the City and County of Denver has announced that its stay-at-home order will remain in effect through at least May 8, 2020, and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock has indicated that he plans to relax restrictions only when the city has the capability to test 1,000 people per day, nearly doubling its current testing rate of 550 people per day. Denver also expects to need to train approximately 100 people to trace contacts of those who test positive.

    To varying degrees, Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Gilpin, and Jefferson Counties have also extended restrictions in their jurisdiction beyond the baseline set by the Safer at Home Order.


    To say that navigating these myriad new and interconnecting rules is challenging is an understatement. Due to the complexities surrounding returning to work and the wide variation of regulations and permissible practices based on location, businesses should consult with experienced employment law counsel before implementing a return to work program.


    Here is the original post:
    Colorados Safer at Home Order Permits Some Businesses to Reopen with Strict COVID-19 Suppression Measures - JD Supra

    Prayers pouring into Baltimore Archdiocese offer window into pandemic – The Record - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Health care workers in Baltimore listen to Archbishop William E. Lori and other interfaith leaders during a blessing at the Baltimore Convention Center April 20, 2020. (CNS photo/Kevin J. Parks, Catholic Review)

    By Tim SwiftCatholic News Service

    BALTIMORE As the coronavirus pandemic paralyzed the country and filled hospitals with patients suffering from COVD-19 symptoms, hundreds of people in the Archdiocese of Baltimore turned to Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori asking for prayers on a new prayer request page launched March 25 on the archdiocesan website.

    Their appeals offer a window into how Baltimore Catholics are coping in this unprecedented time. The pandemic bleeds into every prayer however indirectly. For others, its at the forefront.

    One woman asked for prayers for her husband who works in a nursing home fighting an outbreak of COVID-19. A man reached out for help for a friend struggling with addiction and domestic abuse all while sheltering in place. A mother wrote about her daughter who had expected to go to college in the fall but now is filled with uncertainty about her future.

    As we go through anguish now. People might be sick wondering, Wheres God? But hes still here with us. Hes all around us. Hes keeping us, breathing and moving and helping others. Hes never gone, said Father Jack Lombardi, pastor of two Baltimore parishes: St. Peter and St. Patrick. Jesus said, I will never leave you orphaned.'

    The priest, who has written several books on prayer, said as the world has slowed down and distractions have been replaced with uncertainty, it is natural for fears to dominate. The key is to fill that vacuum with prayer to establish a connection with God, he said.

    Dr. Gina Magyar-Russell, an associate professor at Loyola University Maryland, often bridges the spiritual and scientific worlds when it comes to prayer. Shes a licensed clinical psychologist and leads the department of pastoral counseling at Loyola.

    We found that life events like family conflict, health issues, catastrophes like natural disasters introduce and exacerbate mental and physical health problems for certain, Magyar-Russell said. So one of the basic things that psychologists and other mental health professionals suggest is having effective regimens for coping, such as prayer.

    Although the pandemic has caused hardship and loss, Father Lombardi said it has created some new opportunities, namely for meditation.

    People have a little bit more time than usual, he said, advising people to Take 10 minutes. Sit in your chair. Read a Bible verse or the Mass of the day reading and take time for meditation.

    He recommends keeping it simple conversational prayer and short meditations.

    A lot of people want instant stimulation gratification, Father Lombardi said. But even in the silence, God is still working with us and being with us and being present.

    Read more:
    Prayers pouring into Baltimore Archdiocese offer window into pandemic - The Record

    10 home upgrades and repairs you can do: Clean the garage, build a doghouse – - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Spending more time at home these days? Wondering which improvement projects you can tackle? Or, which repairs you might want to call in a professional? Handyman expert Larry Romick of Portland-based Neil Kelly remodeling company, has some advice.

    When having work done on your home, cost is usually a big factor, says Romick. Sometimes a bit of maintenance or smaller repair makes more sense. It can give you more time to save up for a necessary larger repair or full replacement.

    Bottom line: Dont put off needed repairs and enjoy making improvements.

    Here are 10 home upgrades and repairs you can do yourself:

    Bins Trays and Boxes For Parts and Tools Storage in Shelf. Photo provided by Neil KellyGetty Images/iStockphoto

    Clean the garage: This is the perfect time to organize your garage. Make sure the garage door opener or mechanism is in good working order. Use stackable bins and totes to corral unneeded items until you can hold a yard sale or donate them. Put away any tools that could cause a safety hazard, including power tools. Unplug chargers and coil up electrical cables that arent in use. Put away automobile accessories that arent in use. Dont forget to hang bicycles.

    Clean gutters and roof: Always remember safety first. Do not get on a ladder or roof unless you are capable and confident, and always tie off to an approved anchor. Contact a handyman who can get the job done in a safe and effective way. Use a broom or brush to gently remove the large pieces of moss, then apply a moss deterrent. Using a pressure washer or aggressive brushing can cause more damage to the roof and shorten its life.

    Close up of a man cleaning a barbecue during a picnic day. Photo provided by Neil Kelly Co.Getty Images/iStockphoto

    Inspect and clean grill: Prepare for the outdoor cooking season. Clean your grill with soapy water and use a brush with brass bristles. Remove accumulated grease from lava rocks and ceramic briquettes by turning them over and ignite the burners for 10 minutes on high heat.

    Inspect garden hoses for leaks: Damaged ends can be easily replaced or leaks can be repaired with parts from a hardware store.

    Inspect the crawl space or basement: This is a dirty job, but someone has to do it. And this is a good example of a project you might prefer to outsource to a handyman. After a heavy rainfall, suit up to inspect your crawl space or basement for water accumulation or excessive moisture. Look for signs of water damage on the sub floor and joists beneath bathrooms, kitchen and laundry. Find and fix the leaks now or pay the price later.

    Photo provided by Neil KellyGetty Images/iStockphoto

    Build a doghouse: This is a fun, family project. Make sure to provide adequate roof ventilation to allow hot air to escape. Do not use pressure-treated wood in any area where your dog might chew it up. Furnish it with cute canine accessories. And dont forget a screened, enclosed catio for felines.

    Wash windows: Clean windows inside and out, and use either a squeegee or newspaper to avoid streaking.

    Clean window screens: If you go through all the work of washing your windows, it only makes sense to clean the window screens too. Lay them flat on a picnic table or saw horses, and scrub them with a soft bristle brush and a mild detergent solution. Rinse with a garden hose and allow to dry completely.

    Inspect outdoor structures for deterioration: Its important to look for signs of dry rot. A professional handyman can use a small awl tool to probe posts, railings and windowsills for soft spots and plan to replace or repair them as soon as possible.

    Clean swimming pool or spa: Now is the time to inspect and service pool liners and spa filters so you and your family can enjoy them all summer long.

    --As told to the Homes & Garden staff

    Janet Eastman | 503-294-4072 | @janeteastman

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    Read the original:
    10 home upgrades and repairs you can do: Clean the garage, build a doghouse -

    After the Storm: What to do if you have hail damage – WSPA 7News - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    DUNCAN, S.C. (WSPA) Several people in Duncan are now cleaning up and looking for repairs after their homes and cars were damaged in Monday nights storms.

    7 News learned what you need to do if you have hail damage.

    In fact, our own Todd Summers was a victim to the storm.

    We didnt think that we had gotten a whole lot and then, we woke up this morning, came outside and looked, and we have a cracked window, Todd said.

    His wifes car was also pelted by hail. But his family wasnt the only one to see significant damage.

    Im standing in the window, just watching it, and its progressively getting worse and worse, and the hail is getting bigger and biggerto the point where youre like Okay, this can stop now. This is getting to be a little too much,' Shawna Fly-Gregorio said.

    Many in Duncan will need to have their cars resurfaced and their roofs replaced. Some folks already have windows boarded up from the golf-ball-sized hail.

    If you drive up and down these streets, almost every house has a broken window, Fly-Gregorio said.

    The first thing you should do if you have damage like this is contact your insurance company.

    Tell them what happened, the experience that you had, insurance agent Clyde McNeill said. If it was wind damage, hail damage, storm damage, lightningwhatever the case may be.

    Clyde McNeillwho offers home, auto, life, commercial, and farm insurancesays the next thing you should do is take pictures of the damage.

    He told 7 News homeowners should only make repairs that are necessary to prevent further damage.

    McNeill said your insurance company will send an adjuster out as quickly as possible, and he said you will know who is coming and when theyll be there.

    Do not take the advice of anybody coming to your house, calling you on the phone, anybody whos not associated with your company, he said.

    Impacted neighbors told 7 News theyre just grateful that things werent worse.

    You can get mad and you can be frustrated, but thats not going to do you any good. You cant control it. Its Mother Nature, Todd Summers said. Ive got two boys, theyre both fine. Ive got a wife, shes fine. Im fine. My two dogs are fine. Thats what matters.

    If you have hail damage, and need more information on what to do, you can call Clyde McNeills agency at (864) 219-7500.

    Read more:
    After the Storm: What to do if you have hail damage - WSPA 7News

    Trump defends coronavirus team phaseout: ‘We can’t keep our country closed for the next 5 years’ – CNBC - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the White House will phase out its coronavirus task force and likely replace it with a group focused on "reopening" the U.S. economy.

    When asked why he was winding down the group, even as health experts warn of a recurrence in cases later this year, Trump said, "Well, because we can't keep our country closed for the next five years."

    If a recurrence does happen, "It'll be a flame," Trump said at a roundtable event in Phoenix, Arizona, "and we'll put the flame out."

    The gradual phaseout of the group would come as states begin relaxing their strict social distancing measures even as some regions see an uptick in Covid-19 cases.

    Vice President Mike Pence, who oversees the task force, confirmed in a meeting with reporters Tuesday that the administration is having conversations about transitioning the coronavirus response to other federal agencies.

    "We've already begun to talk about a transition plan with FEMA," said Pence, who suggested the wind-down is "all a reflection of the tremendous progress we've made as a country."

    The administration is looking at starting that transition as soon as late May, Pence said.

    "I think we're starting to look at the Memorial Day window, early June window as a time when we could begin to transition back to having our agencies begin to manage begin to manage our national response in a more traditional manner," the vice president said.

    Trump said at the roundtable Tuesday afternoon: "Mike Pence and the task force have done a great job, but we're now looking at a little bit of a different form, and that form is safety and opening, and we'll have a different group probably set up for that."

    The task force, which includes response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, has already been moved out of the spotlight. On-camera press briefings with the task force, once a near-daily occurrence, have not been held since April 24, and a source told CNBC that the operation has been meeting less frequently.

    But Fauci told CBS in an interview Tuesday afternoon that the task force is not winding down.

    "That's not true, I've been in every task force meeting, and that's not what they are doing," Fauci said, CBS reported.

    The New York Timesfirst reported earlier Tuesday that the task force would be wound down in the weeks ahead, and that itmay never be formally disbanded.It is unclear if any other group might replace the current task force.

    Pence advisor Olivia Troye and other top White House staff have told senior officials involved in the group to expect it to wind down within weeks, the Times reported.

    With the U.S. economy tanking amid the outbreak, President Donald Trump has expressed an eagerness for governors to begin the process of "reopening" their states by lifting some of the restrictionsdesigned to try to slow the spread of the disease.

    A self-described cheerleader for the country amid the pandemic, Trump has predicted a sweeping economic rebound by the end of the year, when he is up for reelection. "We'll open it up and I think your fourth quarter is going to be very good," Trump said in a New York Post interview published Tuesday morning.

    But experts say that new Covid-19 infections and deaths could start to rise as states reopen for business.

    More than 1.1 million cases and at least 70,115 deaths from the coronavirus have been confirmed in the U.S., according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

    Before the task force's daily press events at the White House were apparently scrapped, Trump had assumed a starring role in the briefings, which became marked by his lengthy and often combative exchanges with reporters.

    Critics had accused Trump of co-opting the briefings and turning them into de facto reelection campaign events, since social distancing measures prevented him from staging the massive rallies that he previously held on the campaign trail. Even some of Trump's allies reportedly questioned whether his extended appearances were doing more harm than good.

    Trump's use of the briefings appeared to come to an abrupt end on April 23 when, in apparently off-the-cuff remarks, he speculated about whether injecting disinfectants could work as a treatment for the virus.

    "I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning," Trump said. "Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that."

    Trump tried to walk back the remarks the following day, claiming he was being "sarcastic." The president took no questions at the briefing later that evening. No on-camera press briefings with the task force have been scheduled since.

    Read this article:
    Trump defends coronavirus team phaseout: 'We can't keep our country closed for the next 5 years' - CNBC

    Windows 10 May 2020 update: Everything you need to know – CNET - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Windows 10 May 2020 Update will be rolling out this month.

    Microsoftis rolling out the Windows 10 ($120 at Walmart) May 2020 Update this month, bringing new features to help with productivity, security and speed. The update -- also known asWindows 10 versions 2004 and 20H1, and formerly referred to as the April 2020 Update -- is expected to start rolling out to mainstream users on May 28.

    Read more: How to upgrade to Windows 10 for free

    Windows 10 is now on more than 1 billion devices worldwide, Microsoft said in March. Now that support for Windows 7 is officially over, Microsoft is encouraging users to either upgrade their PC to Windows 10 to keep it running smoothly and securely or buy a new computer.

    Major refreshes to the OS come about every six months, with the most recent being the November 2019 update. Early reports from our sister site ZDNet are that the latest update -- currently available as a preview release -- takes anywhere from 7 to 17 minutes to install.

    Here's what we know so far about the Windows 10 May 2020 update.

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    For those in the Windows Insider Program, the May 2020 Update has been available as a preview release for about a year (again, it was originally referred to as the April 2020 update, but given the coronavirus pandemic, its release was pushed back).

    The final version is expected to roll out to developers on May 12, and to mainstream users starting May 28, ZDNet reported.

    If you want access to the preview release now, you can join the Windows 10 Insider Slow Ring, and toggle the Stop Getting Preview Builds option to On. (This allows you to use the current preview and keeps it from being replaced by future ones as they arrive.) Otherwise, you can wait until the update's general release.

    The Windows 10 May 2020 update includes a number of changes for users, according to Microsoft, such as:

    Read more: You have a new PC or laptop. Here's how to set it up the best way

    Microsoft will end support for Windows 10 1809(also known as the October 2018 update) Home, Pro, Pro Education and Pro for Workstations editions in November of this year (this was originally scheduled to happen in May, but again, Microsoft delayed it due to the impact of coronavirus). Enterprise and Education editions support will last until May 2021.

    You can still use version 1809, but the loss of Microsoft support means you will no longer get important security patches or other updates.

    Read more:20 pro tips to make Windows 10 work the way you want (free PDF)(TechRepublic)

    Nope. Microsoft recommends that you update, of course, but it's not mandatory -- unless you're about to hit an end-of-service date for the version you're currently running. You can find out more about the update process onZDNet.

    To see which version of Windows 10 you have, go to Settings > System > About and scroll to Windows Specifications, where you'll find the edition and version number.

    If you have version 1903 (released in May 2019) and want to keep it, you have until December 2020 before support ends. And if you have version 1909 (released in November 2019), you have until May 2021 to update.

    In a Monday blog post, Panos Panay, Microsoft's chief product officer of Windows and devices, gave an update on the Windows 10X operating system. The OS was announced last year, and designed to work with new dual-screenSurface Neodevices, which are not yet available. However, given the changes in the world and the fact that most people are sticking to more typical laptops and two-in-one devices right now, Microsoft will pivot the focus of Windows 10X to single-screen devices instead, Panay wrote.

    "With Windows 10X, we designed for flexibility, and that flexibility has enabled us to pivot our focus toward single-screen Windows 10X devices that leverage the power of the cloud to help our customers work, learn and play in new ways," Panay wrote in the post. "These single-screen devices will be the first expression of Windows 10X that we deliver to our customers, and we will continue to look for the right moment, in conjunction with our OEM partners, to bring dual-screen devices to market."

    For more, check outWindows 10 tips and tricksand6 simple security changes all Windows 10 users need to make.

    Now playing: Watch this: How to take Windows 10 screenshots


    View post:
    Windows 10 May 2020 update: Everything you need to know - CNET

    How to back up and restore Sticky Notes in Windows 10 – TechRepublic - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Windows 10 Sticky Notes allows you to store short notes and reminders that can be referred to over and over. Backing up those notes can be simple or complicated.

    The most current version of Microsoft Windows 10 includes a note-taking application called Sticky Notes. Just like the pads of paper that inspired it, Sticky Notes gives users a place to store short notes and reminders that can be referred to over and over again. The beauty of this digital version of the system is that your sticky notes can be synchronized across all your devices.

    However, Microsoft has chosen to obscure the inner workings of the Sticky Notes system from users, which caused a bit of frustration for reader dacostam, who asked for help with backing up his notes. In general, there are two ways to back up and restore Sticky Notesone easy and one much more complicated.

    Disclosure:TechRepublic may earn a commission from some of the products featured on this page. TechRepublic and the author were not compensated for this independent review.

    This how-to tutorial explains where Windows 10 Sticky Notes are stored and shows you how to back up and restore your notes and reminders.

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    The easiest and most effective way to back up your Sticky Notes is with the built-in synchronization of the app itself. The first step in this process is to log into Windows 10 with an active Microsoft account set of credentials. Then, with Sticky Notes open, click the gear icon in the upper right corner to open the Settings screen, as shown in Figure A.

    Figure A

    Scroll down to the Sync now button and click it. Now, all of your Sticky Notes will be available to any device that logs in using that same Microsoft account. A simple but useful application of cloud technology. Click the arrow to get back the Sticky Notes app.

    SEE:How to sync Sticky Notes across devices in Windows 10(TechRepublic)

    In Windows 10, Sticky Notes are stored in a single file located deep in the user folders. You can manually copy that SQLite database file for safekeeping to any other folder, drive, or cloud storage service to which you have access.

    Log in to Windows 10 using your Microsoft account credentials, then open File Explorer. Navigate to this file folder:


    In that folder (Figure B), you will find a filed named: plum.sqlite. That is the SQLite database file we are looking for. Copy that file to another location to back up your Sticky Notes.

    Figure B

    When it comes time to restore your Sticky Notes, log in to Windows 10 using your Microsoft account credentials and then open Task Manager. Find Sticky Notes in the list of running applications (Figure C), click it and then press the End task button to close it out. That will release the current plum.sqlite file.

    Figure C

    Close Task Manager and open File Explorer. Navigate back to the same folder as before and paste your backup plum.sqlite file. When asked, say "yes" to replacing the current file by that name in the destination folder.

    Close File Explorer and restart Sticky Notes. Your restored notes and reminders should not be displayed.

    SEE:How to use Microsoft's Sticky Notes in Windows 10, on the web, and on your mobile device(TechRepublic)

    Obviously, the complicated process for backing up and restoring Sticky Notes is not the preferred method. Opting to let Microsoft Windows 10 do the heavy lifting and synchronize your Sticky Notes to all your devices is the most efficient method. Under normal conditions, you will not even notice the synchronization process as it happens.

    However, while the complicated method may be used as an option of last resort under extreme circumstances, there is one important caveat: Restoring from a saved plum.sqlite file will completely delete all the Sticky Notes stored in the current file, so proceed with caution.

    Be your company's Microsoft insider by reading these Windows and Office tips, tricks, and cheat sheets. Delivered Mondays and Wednesdays

    Image: strixcode, Getty Images/iStockphoto

    See the rest here:
    How to back up and restore Sticky Notes in Windows 10 - TechRepublic

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