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Questions to consider before calculating the cost of a new roof:
When calculating the cost of a roofing job, you will need to figure out two separate costs: materials and labor.
The cost of materials can be calculated by finding the square footage of your roof, looking at the type of material you want to use and figuring out how much of that material you need. Most roofing contractors give their materials cost in terms of 10 ft. x 10 ft. squares (100 square feet). Most materials cost about$150 per square. This list will give a sense for the relative costs of materials.
It should be noted that modified bitumen, a form of asphalt roll roofing, may only be used on flat roofs. All other roofing styles may be used on both flat and pitched roofs.Learn more about roofing materials here.
Additional materials and tools will be required to do roof repair. Chief among these will be a ladder, for which you want to err on the side of caution regarding the length. Long-time homeowners may already own a big ladder that they can use to get to the roof, but new homeowners may need to include a ladder investment in their estimate of roofing costs and prices if they plan on making it a DIY job. A new ladder can be anywhere from$200 to upwards of $500depending on how high your roof is.
Other materials include fasteners and basic tools like a hammer or drill, protective sealant materials, ventilation materials, flashing, leak barriers and more. Costs of these materials vary widely, though they will generally be a fraction of the cost of the main roofing materials.
A good rule of thumb formeasuring your roof's pitchis that the average cost of labor for roofing is generally equivalent to the cost of materials for that size of roof. This means that by doing a roofing project by yourself, you could save about half the money you would otherwise spend. On the other hand, you will have to spend about two to three times as much time as a professional contractor with roofing experience to do a job that might not be as good.
Installing a roof is relatively forgiving work, especially if you're using inexpensive materials. "Forgiving" here means that if you make a mistake, you can usually repair it at little cost. However, if you don't take your time and make sure that there are no leaky spots, you might run the risk of permanent damage to your home. It is a job where you want to go slowly and steadily. In climates where weather is unpredictable, you may not have a good window of opportunity to work as slowly as you would like, which would be another reason to hire a contractor for the job.
Once you have theroofthat you want, it's important to maintain your investment. No matter whattype of roofyou have, the key to the longevity relies on maintenance and care. Maintenance should be done at least semi-annually, if not seasonally. An inspector should walk your roof slowly and inspect it thoroughly, as well as get rid of all leaves, branches, twigs and any other debris. An electric or gas blower does this job nicely. A roofingexpert will look for things such as broken or missing shingles, shakes or tiles, and make the necessaryrepairs.
Chimneys, roof-mounted AC units, roof-mounted solar panels, dormer vents, heat vents, plumbing vents, and valleys and crickets, are the main areas where you will find leaking. Your roof will receive more abuse from the elements than any other part of the building. Preventative maintenance will save you money on your roof by providing a longer life.
Here are some more general roofing tips:
Kichen remodel cost guide Concrete Calculator
Last updated on Mar 28, 2016
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Ace Door & Window Service, Inc. is a company of dedicated people working together to provide you, our customers, with the finest products and the latest cutting-edge technology in our field. Our staff is trained to help you select the type of door you need, whether it be interior or exterior, storm doors, metal, glass or wood.
Our windows and doors are set up to meet all of the challenges of the environment, such as harsh winds, raining conditions and extreme heat. We are a licensed and insured company with many years of experience; our proven quality workmanship and our wide variety of selections have continually set us apart from the competition.
For those looking for replacementwindowsanddoors, we offer a wide variety of brands and styles to choose from. Check out our great selection of replacement windows and replacement doors including hurricane impact windows and sliding glass doors. Upgrade your old or out-of-style doors and windows today.
Seehow replacing your doors and windows can make your home more beautiful, secure and energy efficient with our before and after door and window gallery. Click here to view our gallery.
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If you're looking to improve the look of your home without the painting, vinyl siding is a popular, affordable choice. Many homeowners and builders choose it because it's long lasting, durable, inexpensive and relatively easy to install and maintain. Vinyl comes in a variety of grains, thickness and colours making it also a practical choice for many homeowners.
The proper tools, materials and equipment will make the installation of your vinyl siding much easier. Listed below are the most essential items:
1. Allow for expansion and contraction. Vinyl Siding must be nailed so expansion and contraction are not restricted. Siding must be cut in lengths to provide for expansion. Allow a 1/4 in. gap for expansion wherever siding butts accessories. Allow 3/8 in. when installing in freezing weather (below 4C / 40F).
2. Choose the right nails. Vinyl Siding must be nailed so expansion and contraction are not restricted. Siding must be cut in lengths to provide for expansion. Allow a 1/4 in. gap for expansion wherever siding butts accessories. Allow 3/8 in. when installing in freezing weather (below 4C / 40F).
3. Choose the right nails. Allow approximately 1/16 in. between nail head and vinyl. This will permit expansion and contraction as well as prevent dimpling, which causes waves in siding. [fig. A]
4. Centre nails in slots. Do not nail to the extreme right or left of nail slot in siding panel. [fig. B]
5. Drive nails straight and level. Crooked nails will distort siding panels, causing panels to buckle. [fig. C]
6. Do NOT face nail. Nailing directly into siding panel will restrict horizontal movement and cause panel to buckle.
7. Never pull siding taut when nailing. Pulling the panel taut stretches the panel out of shape and causes an undesirable lap joint. Panels should be locked, then pushed up from the bottom until full lock contact is made. Nail into place.
8. Space nails properly. Siding panels should be nailed 12 in. to 16 in. on centre.
1. Aviation & Tin Snip Start cutting at the top interlock and continue toward the bottom of the panel.
2. Utility Knife Score panel with knife, then bend the vinyl back and forth until it snaps cleanly on the scored line.
3. Power Saw, Bench or Radial Arm Saw Use a fine-tooth blade with slow cutting movements. Reverse the blade in the saw for extra-smooth cutting through the vinyl and to reduce chipping.
In new construction furring is not usually necessary, but older homes often have walls that are uneven. These walls should be furred out to prevent a wavy appearance in the finished siding job.
Horizontal Siding Installation Guide
1. Snap chalk line. Find the lowest corner of the old siding or sheathing on the house. Partly drive a nail 11/2 in. higher than the lowest corner. Stretch a chalk line from this nail to a similar nail at next corner. Be sure line is level. Snap chalk line and repeat same procedure around entire house.
2. Installing starter strip. Position starter strip with the top edge of chalk line and allow room for corner posts. Nail to wall, following nailing instructions in Important Installation Tips. When the wall surface is uneven, shim out the starter strip to avoid a wavy appearance in the finished siding job. Drive nails to remove excessive play in starter, but do not nail tightly restricting movement. As you add starter strip sections, be sure to leave 1/4 in. space between strips for expansion [fig. D].
3. Installing inside corner posts. Inside corner posts are installed at the existing corners, running from 3/4 in. below the bottom of the starter strip. If vinyl soffit is to be installed, allow proper distance below the underside of eaves for soffit installation accessories (which vary according to the accessory used). Set corner posts straight and true. Nail them to the adjoining walls, beginning at the top, placing nails at the top of the uppermost nailing slots, allowing the posts to hang on these nails. The rest of the nails should be placed every 8 in. to 12 in. in the centre of the nail slots. This will allow vertical expansion of the corner posts. Do not nail tight.
4. Splicing inside corner posts. If more than one length of inside corner post is required, make a splice as follows: Cut 1 in. off all but the outer face of the upper portion of the lower corner post. Then lay 3/4 in. of the upper post over the lower post, allowing 1/4 in. for expansion [fig. E].
5. Installing outside corner posts. Position the outside corner post to allow 1/4 in. gap at the top where the post will meet the eaves. Cut the post long enough to extend past the bottom of the starter strip by 3/4 in. If vinyl soffit is to be installed, allow proper distances (which vary according to the accessory used) below the underside of the eaves. Attach the posts by placing a nail in the top of the upper slot on each side. Posts will hang on these two nails. The rest of the nails should be placed in the centre of the slots, 8 in. to 12 in. on centre. This allows for expansion and contraction to occur at the bottom. Do not nail tight.
6. Splicing outside corner posts. If more than one length of outside corner post is required, make a splice as follows: cut 1 in. of the nailing flanges and receiving channel stops away from the bottom portion of the upper post. Then lap 3/4 in. of the upper post over the lower post allowing 1/4 in. for expansion [fig. F].
7. Capping outside corner posts. Cut 2 1/2 in. flaps as shown in Fig. G. Bend the flaps to close off the post. A rivet can be used if needed.
8. Installing "J" channel around windows and doors. Install "J" channel around all four sides of window and doors. Install the "J" channel against the casing and nail it to the wall, following nailing instructions in Important Installation Tips. Do not nail tight. [fig. H].
9. Square corner "J" channel installation. Cut and install bottom "J" flush with the sides of the window casing. Install side "J" channels flush with the lower face of the bottom "J" channel and with the top of the window casing. Cut a tab in the bottom of the side "J" channels and fold under. Cut and install top "J" flush with the outer face of the side "J's". Cut and bend drain tab.
10. Mitering corners of the "J" channel. Install bottom "J" channel to extend past side casing the width of the "J"-face on each end. Cut out a 3/4 in. notch in the back of each end and install. Cut a 3/4 in. notch in the bottom of side "J" channels and bend tab. Miter bottom side "J" to give a false mitered appearance when installed.
11. Installing first siding panel. Snap bottom of panel into starter strip and nail to wall as in Important Installation Tips. Begin panel installation at back corner of house and work toward house front. Leave a 1/4 in. space where panel butts corner post. Note: siding should be lapped away from high traffic areas, i.e., doors, sidewalks, etc.
12. Overlap joints. Overlap each panel 1 in. to 11/4 in. of the factory pre-notched cutouts. Last nail should be at least 10 in. from end of panel to allow neat lap.
13. Installing balance of siding. After completing the first course, work your way up. Start each course at back of house and continue toward front. Stagger joints properly, lapping them away from street and entrance. Leave a 1/4 in. gap where panels butt corner posts and "J" channel around window. Allow 3/8 in. when installing in freezing weather (below 4C / 40F) [fig. I]. Note: For best visual appearance, do not stair step or concentrate lap joints too closely.
14. Fitting siding under windows. When you reach a window, you probably will have to cut siding panel to fit under the opening. Make this panel extend on both sides of the window. Measure the panel to fit. Holding the siding panel under the window, mark the width of the opening on the panel allowing 1/4 in. clearance on each window side. Next, lock a scrap piece of siding into the panel below, butting against the window. Mark the height needed, allowing 1/4 in. clearance below the sill. Measure both sides of the window opening this way. Use the scrap piece as a guide to mark horizontal cuts on the siding panel [fig. J].
15. Cutting siding to fit. Make vertical cuts on the siding panel with saw or snips. Then score horizontally with a utility knife and snap out section to be removed.
16. Cutting siding around window. Install undersill trim the width of the window flush to the casing. Furring may be necessary to maintain proper pitch of the siding. Using the snap-lock punch, punch the panel 1/4 in. below the cut edge at 6 in. intervals. The resulting raised lugs should face outward and will snap into undersill trim.
17. Fitting siding over windows. Measure and cut panel to fit. Measure and cut panel in the same manner detailed in step 14 but cut lower portion instead of top. Be sure to check both sides for proper fit. Install panel. Drop siding panel into "J" channel around top of window and install.
18. Finishing top row of siding under eaves. Nail the undersill trim to the sidewall, flush with the eave of house. It may be necessary to fur out the undersill trim to maintain proper pitch of the top siding panel. More than one length of undersill trim may be required under the eave and will need to be spliced.
19. Fitting top siding panel. Measure and cut top panel to fit. To determine how much of the top panel must be cut off, measure the distance between the top of under-sill trim and the lock of the panel below, then deduct 1/4 in. Cut top siding panel to this dimension. The panel will no longer have a nailing strip after cutting [fig. K].
20. Snap locking top panel. Punch top panel with snap-lock punch. Insert cut panel into trim and draw a line on panel where they meet. Using snap-lock punch tool, punch the panel on top of this line every 6 in. so raised material is on the outside face.
21. Installing top panel. Lock bottom of panel into panel below and push top edge into undersill trim. The raised slots will catch and hold the panel firmly in place. DO NOT FACE NAIL SIDING.
22. Finishing top course under gable. First nail "J" channel to sidewall flush with gable as described in Important Installation Tips. If more than one length of "J" channel is required to finish one side of gable, a splice will be needed. To cut panels on proper angle, use two scrap pieces of siding to make a pattern for cutting. Interlock one panel with the siding panel below, hold the other piece on top against the gable. Then mark a line on bottom piece and cut. This piece is now a pattern for cutting panels to fit along one side of gable. Follow the same procedure to make pattern for other side [fig. L]. Lock pre-cut siding panel into siding panel below and slide siding panel into "J" channel.
Note: Be sure to allow 1/4 in. expansion gap between siding and gable end "J"; channel, and 3/8 in. in freezing weather.
1. Open eave installation. For open overhangs use "F" trim which has been nailed to the wall of the house. Using a level, make pencil marks on the wall, parallel with the lower edge of wood fascia board at the end of each wall. These are for reference points. From these marks, measure up 7/8 in. and strike a chalk line. Along this line install the "F" trim with its top leg on the chalk line. This step is very important, because the "F" trim or "J" channel forms the back support for the soffit panel. Intermediate nailing supports should be installed on eaves over 16 in. in width.
2. Closed eave installation. Install 1/2 in. "J" channel on inside wall and behind fascia board. Measure distance between 1/2 in. "J" channels from back edge to back edge. Then cut soffit panels according to these dimensions to allow 1/4 in. clearance for contraction and expansion. On panels over 36 in. allow 1/4 in. on each end. Use solid panels, and for areas where ventilation is required, use perforated soffit. After cutting panels to the desired length, insert end into wall support piece ("J" channel or "F" trim). Lining the panel up correctly, nail the panel to the existing soffit through the nailing hem. After the first panel is installed, insert locking leg of second panel into the installed panel, covering the nailing hem. Fit the panels together snugly to protect against misalignment. Intermediate nailing supports are necessary on widths over 16 in.
3. Turning corners. When turning corners it may be necessary to miter the soffit panel to the proper angle. Use two 1/2 in. "J" channels back-to-back to create additional support for the panels [fig. N].
4. Closing soffit ends. Use 1/2 in. "J" channel cut to length and installed on the ends by nailing into overhang and fitting into "F" trim and "J" channel supporting soffit panel. In applications using both soffit and fascia, install frieze runner ("F" trim) on the bottom of fascia board and complete soffit installation. Prepare for installation of fascia panel by applying an undersill trim along the top of the fascia board. Hook the bottom lock of the fascia panel over the "F" trim, which is already installed on the bottom of the fascia board. Then insert top edge of fascia into undersill trim. Use a snap-lock punch tool on the fascia panel to punch out raised slots every 6 in. so that the fascia is held firmly in place. Cut fascia panel minus 1/8 in. For proper fit and appearance of fascia panel, "F" trim and undersill trim should be run straight to avoid waviness. It is recommended that a chalk line be used and channels installed on a straight line. Warning: Do not face-nail vinyl fascia panel.
To fabricate corner cap, cut piece of fascia 51/2 in. in length. Mark vertical centerline on back cut. Cut out 90 section of bottom flange from centre, leaving 45 on each side. Using hand seamer metal straightedge, fold along vertical centerline to form right-angle corner. Top edge of corner cap is punched with snap-lock punch tool. The corner cap is then hooked onto the bottom ends of the fascia, and the top is snapped into place in undersill trim [figs. O, P, Q].
These instructions are only intended to provide general installation guidelines. Check with local building codes for any additional requirements regarding wall preparation and vinyl siding installation.
Tools, products, materials, techniques, building codes and local regulations change; therefore, Lowe's assumes no liability for omissions, errors or the outcome of any project. The reader must always exercise reasonable caution, follow current codes and regulations that may apply, and is urged to consult with a licensed professional if in doubt about any procedures. Please visit our terms of use.
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Lap siding is installed upward, starting at the bottom of the wall.
Expert advice on how to install wood or fiber-cement lap siding, including how to prepare exterior walls and lay out siding for installation.
Also called horizontal siding or clapboard, lap siding, may be made of wood, fiber-cement, plywood, hardboard, or similar materials. Despite the variety of materials, installation methods are basically the same, with a few variations in fasteners, joints, and so forth. For example, you install fiber-cement lap siding in much the same way as wood siding, but most manufacturers advise you to leave 1/8-inch gaps at the ends of the boards to allow for expansion and then caulk the gaps. Always follow the manufacturers directions.
Most lap siding is beveled, meaning that the bottom edge is thicker than the top. As its name lap implies, an upper siding board laps over the board below it by 1 to 2 inches. On thick profiles of siding, nails may be hidden, meaning they are driven into the upper portion of a board so they are covered by the lower part of the board above it. Otherwise, nails may be left exposed and covered by paint, in which case they are driven into the lower portion of a board so they pass just above the upper edge of the board below them.
If you are planning to paint your siding, its a good idea to prime all the pieces on all sides before installing them; that way, the backsides will also be protected against rot and the boards are less likely to cup or twist. Always prime the cut ends of boards before installing the boards.
In some custom installations, lap siding is carefully mitered at outside corners. This makes for a classic look but calls for very good carpentry skills and boards that are certain not to shrink. The method discussed here is an easier and more common oneinstalling corner trim first and then butting the siding to it.
The walls should be stripped of all previous siding, and the surface should be fairly smooth and flat because lap siding will follow along any contours. Some 3/4-inch-thick patterns of siding can be applied directly over wall studs. Thinner patterns should be installed over a base of plywood or oriented strand board sheathing. Staple a layer of house wrap to the sheathing, working from the bottom up, and overlapping joints by several inches so that any water that reaches it will shed down the wall. Again, follow the manufacturers recommendations.
Plywood sheathing provides a sound, flat base for lap siding.
Around windows and doors, install metal flashing before applying the trim to be sure water will not infiltrate. Some installers install vertical strips of roofing felt over the studs; these help you locate the studs, and they help seal the nail shanks to prevent moisture penetration.
Determine how the boards will look where they meet an eave at the top. You may be able to install a trim piece there after the siding is installed, or you may need to cut the siding to fit precisely.
Determine the desired revealthe vertical width of the boards that will be exposed. For instance, you may have 8-inch-wide boards with a 5 1/2-inch reveal. If you buy siding that has installation grooves, such as shiplap or bevel-rabbeted siding, the reveal will be determined by the rabbet or the shiplap; you simply stack boards on top to get a consistent reveal. On non-grooved siding, you will need to make sure the reveals are all equal by checking the spacing frequently or using a story pole as described in Cutting & Fastening Lap Siding.
In most cases, the siding will wrap all the way around the house. The last boards must meet at the same level or the installation will look unprofessional. This means you must establish and mark a level baseline all of the way around the house. Use a water level, line level, or transit level to make these layout lines.
You may want to modify the layout so you have full-width boards at the top of windows or doors, especially if you have a number of windows at the same height. Be sure to work out this spacing ahead of time. Here is an excellent video on exactly how to do this: How to Make a Story Pole for Exterior Lap Siding.
NEXT SEE: Cutting & Fastening Lap Siding
Featured Resource: Get a Pre-Screened Siding Contractor
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Window World of Connecticut
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Welcome to Window World, the largest window replacement company in America! Window World of Hartford is locally owned and operated by Anton Du Plessis, and proudly serves all of Connecticut. We offer almost limitless replacement window options, including frames, grids, styles, glass options, and Low-E qualifications. We also offer many other industry-leading home-improvement products.
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Replacement Windows, Vinyl Siding, Doors & More for Homeowners in Hartford & All Other Communities throughout CT
When adding replacement windows, vinyl siding, doors, or any other home improvement product to your residence, receiving the best value for your dollar should be the top priority. At Advanced Window Systems (AWS), thats exactly what we offer in home remodeling solutions to residents of Hartford and all other cities throughout Connecticut and Western Massachusetts. For over 30 years, our local, family owned and operated business has been dedicated to providing superior products, unparalleled workmanship, and outstanding service to our customers. For our continued efforts in these areas, we have received numerous industry service awards as well as an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and an A rating with Angies List. As a result, you can trust that when you turn to AWS, you will receive nothing less than the best. Get the best for less, call AWS!
Among our expansive inventory of home improvement products are vinyl replacement windows that are designed and built exclusively for AWS. These amazing windows are constructed using only the highest grade of vinyl, boast one of the best air leakage ratings in the industry, and feature low-emissivity glass, meaning they offer superior strength, durability, and energy efficiency when compared to many other house windows available on the market. Additionally, their heavy-duty, double-lapped lift rails and constant force balance system ensure these windows will open and close smoothly for years to come. We also offer excellent wood and composite models, and regardless of which window type you choose, you will be able to select from a wide range of styles and shapes.
In addition to energy efficient house windows, we offer vinyl siding, patio, storm, and entry doors, and much more to homeowners in Hartford and cities throughout CT and Western MA. Like our windows, these products come from industry-leading manufacturers, and combine aesthetic appeal with long-lasting dependability to ensure your home will look great and be well-protected for years to come. And, all of the home improvement products we offer are backed by outstanding warranties, providing you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your investment will be well-protected.
Beyond offering such incredible products to homeowners in New Haven, Waterbury, Stamford, and all other cities throughout Connecticut and Western Massachusetts, AWS distinguishes itself from the competition by providing top-notch workmanship and customer support. Whether you turn to our home improvement company for roofing, gutters, decks, vinyl windows, house siding, or doors, you can rest assured we will use only professional technicians and best practices to ensure all products are installed properly and for optimal performance.
Our technicians have years of industry experience, and in most cases are factory trained and certified to install the products we offer. Additionally, they exercise stringent attention to detail in the jobs they perform and take immense pride in the quality of their work. In fact, the entire staff at AWS is committed to earning nothing less than the complete satisfaction of our customers, and with this commitment to service you can trust that we will work diligently to ensure you are pleased with every single aspect of our work.
For more information on our replacement windows, vinyl siding, entry doors, roofing, gutters, or decks, or any of the services we perform, please contact AWS today. Also, be sure to ask about the convenient financing options we have available. AWS proudly serves homeowners in Hartford, New Haven, and all other communities across CT and Western MA.
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One of the most requested landscape features we get at Stone Age Landscaping LLC are paver patios, walkways and driveways. Pavers offer many benefits over concrete. They come in a variety of rich colors, textures, and styles to fit your landscape design. Pavers are much easier to adjust and repair than concrete slabs that tend to crack over time. Theyre also aesthetically pleasing. At Stone Age, well work with you to choose the right material for your patio or walkway.
To properly install your paver patio or walkway, we excavate the underlying soil and create a base of compacted crushed gravel thats a minimum of four inches for regular foot traffic and even more for areaswhere vehicles will be driving over the pavers. A good low-impact tip is to keep the excavated soil on-site rather than transporting it across town as fill material. In some cases the underlying soils can be amended with compost and used in planting beds.
The next step is to place a thin layer of bedding sand, which proves a smooth, level surface for the pavers to sit on. We then set the brick or stone pavers in the style that you like, cutting pavers to fill gaps along the edges. We set edge restraint systems around the perimeter to prevent settling and spreading.
Once the pavers and edging are in place, we compact the pavers down using a vibrating place compactor to ensure that the pavers are set. Voila! Your patio is ready for you to enjoy. We would like to say how happy we are to be a Certified Belgard Paver and Retaining Wall Installer. Check out Belgard.biz for any Hardscape ideas that we can do for your home.
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E&J Power Washing Services is a full service pressure washing business
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At E&J Power Washing Servicesour technicians are trained with the highest precision and look forward to the opportunity to take care of yourpower washing needs!
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Scotts Pressure Wash has provided industry-leading service to a wide variety of commercial clients for fifty years. We offer competitive pricing, unrivaled customer service and cutting edge, environmentally responsible cleaning products. Scotts is ready to meet the demands of any client. State of the art hot water power washing equipment, a fleet of more than twenty five mobile units, water recovery capability, and dry ice blasting all with a 100% guarantee of satisfaction.
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Looking for affordable, reliable fleet washing services? At Scotts Pressure Wash, we understand how important it is for your companys fleet to maintain a clean image. Out on the road, your trucks are mobile advertisements for your business. Find out how your trucks can project the best image for your business, with regular fleet cleaning from Scotts now. Learn More
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Granite countertops with Honed, Brushed, or polished finishes
T&J Granite Countertops specializes in custom Granite Kitchen Countertops for your home or business. Custom granite countertops add style, beauty, and lasting value to your home. Whether you are remodeling or involved with new construction, granite countertops will make a beautiful addition and increase the resale value of your home. Granite has become the countertop of choice for todays luxury living for your home or office. Available in over 100 different colors, custom granite countertops can be matched with any decor.
Virtual Granite Kitchen Change Granite Colors, Cabinets, & Wall Colors Online To Help You Decide The Best Colors For Your Kitchen
Call today to schedule an appointment & Free Quote 706-283-8009
Of course, if you prefer Quartz Countertops, we carry the very best brand names like Dupont Zodiaq, CaesarStone HanStone, and SileStone and the new recycled glass countertop alternative, GEOS. Regardless of which type countertop you prefer, our pledge to you is the very best craftsmanship and superior customer service! We have the very best craftsmen using state of the art CNC machinery, and can offer you custom finishes that are not available with most countertop fabricators. Whether you are remodeling or involved with new construction, premium custom countertops will make a beautiful addition and increase the resale value of your home.
Commercial Countertops: T&J Granite Countertops has one of the most modern countertop fabricating shops in North Georgia and can handle any commercial countertop requirement you may have. If you are a contractor in need of a countertop fabricating company that can handle any size job, call us today. We have the state of the art CNC machinery required to do large commercial buildings, complete subdivisions, university housing projects, hotels and other commercial developments.
T&J Granite Countertops has been fabricating custom granite countertops since 1997. We specialize in both residential or commercial granite countertop applications for new construction or remodeling projects. Choose from over 100 colors of granite countertops and styles of granite. We will be happy to escort you through the granite slab warehouse and choose the exact slabs your countertops will be made from. New colors are arriving weekly like Black Lumiere, Golden Ray, Juparana Cappuccino, Uba Tuba, New Venetian Gold, Blue Persia, Golden Passion, Creme Espresso and other beautiful colors. Our highly trained consultants and technicians carefully plan and fabricate your granite countertops to your specifications to ensure your complete satisfaction. More about Granite Countertops.
To answer some of your questions about granite and quartz countertops, and help you plan your kitchen or bathroom upgrade, we have assembled some helpful information and planning tips for you. This information includes how to calculate countertop square footage, a granite color gallery, granite countertop fabrication and finishing tips, granite countertop installation tips, granite countertop edge styles, and site preparation tips. If you have more questions, please call us at the number above. More about Granite Countertop Planning.
One of the most difficult tasks for granite countertop customers is selecting the granite color that will look best in their kitchens. The Virtual Granite Kitchen tool lets you choose from among 30 different granite colors, wall colors, cabinet colors and appliance colors to find the best choice of granite for your kitchen. Match the kitchen colors to your homes kitchen and then click each granite color to see how the granite color matches you kitchen's decor. For answers to your questions, please call Hannah at 706-283-8009. We will be happen to make your kitchen dreams come true.
Looking for countertops that really POP! Quartz has modern colors as well as the granite look-alike colors and patterns, and many advantages over granite. Quartz has bright colors, is virtually seamless, light weight, almost indestructible, and worry free. This manufacturing process uses raw quartz crystals ranging in size from coarse grains to the size of rock salt. Once the quartz is ground and selected, the crystals are combined with bonding agents (resin) and color, then heated and vibro-compacted to form an impenetrable surface. The resulting slabs are a matrix of 93% quartz and 7% resin binders and pigments ... free of fissures and cracks, and impervious to water, moisture, or bacteria. Choose from Dupont Zodiaq, CaesarStone, GEOS or SileStone for countertops that fit your modern lifestyle. More about Quartz Countertops.
Zodiaq is an advanced composite material made of 93% quartz, a DuPont proprietary binding polymer and pigments developed for one purpose: to create a new material with its own depth, character and a unique aesthetic, suggesting a sense of enlightened luxury and an attitude of bold sophistication. With a cool, fresh, sparkling look, Zodiaq catches and reflects light, capturing the radiance of quartz crystal. Zodiaq also has unusual clarity and consistency of color, qualities that offer great potential for both horizontal and vertical applications. Zodiaq is the original quartz surface material made by DuPont. More about Zodiaq Countertops.
CaesarStone had the revolutionary idea of using quartz - one of nature's hardest materials - to create a brand new surfacing product in 1987. Superior to other manufactured and stone surfaces, CaesarStones' extraordinary physical properties soon became internationally recognized, establishing a new product genre in the industry. Today, CaesarStone offers two products - CaesarStone - the original quartz stone surfacing material and Concetto - the stone surface made from individually cut semi-precious stones. CaesarStone is the original quartz-based engineered stone primarily used for kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities. More about CaesarStone Countertops.
Silestone is natural quartz created for today's homes. Utilizing a revolutionary process, Silestone offers you over 60 colors, exceptional textures and variety of finishes. Also, multi-dimensional functionality makes Silestone quartz a cleaner, safer surface for your home. Silestone offers the unique combination of built-in Microban antimicrobial product protection, National Sanitation Foundation certification and GREENGUARD indoor air quality certification. Microban protection inhibits the growth of microbes such as odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew. More about SileStone Countertops.
Discover the warmth and richness that can only be found in natural quartz surfaces where elegance and beauty meet function and lasting durability. With an endless palette of dazzling colors showcasing the depth and character of natural quartz, youll see why more and more homeowners are asking for Cambria by name. With Cambria, you'll add warmth and beauty plus the strength and durability that can only be found in natural quartz. Your dream home begins with Cambria! More about Cambria Countertops.
HanStone is the leading brand of natural quartz surfaces with the most advanced, nature-friendly manufacturing plant in North America. The HanStone Quartz product line is ideally suited for countertops, vanities, bar tops, reception areas, conference rooms and other surfaces throughout residential and commercial interiors. We combine one of nature's hardest materials, natural quartz, with high-quality polymer resin and pigment to produce a durable yet luxurious stone surface. All of these qualities have made HanStone Quartz a premier choice for builders throughout the world.
HanStone materials can be used towards LEED points. GO GREEN! More about HanStone.
GEOS Recycled Glass Countertops blends recycled glass into a unique countertop material of superior strength and remarkable beauty. Offered in a wide range of evocative colors, GEOS countertops make a striking visual statement and is a rare find among environmentally conscious productsits both earth-friendly and affordable.
GEOS materials can be used towards LEED points. More about GEOS Recycled Glass Countertops.
T&J Granite Countertops features Levi Sinks and accessories. Choose from stainless Steel Sinks, Composite Sinks, Bar Sinks, Kitchen Faucets, Bar Faucets and Decorative and Custom Accessories. We can help you match your new granite or quartz kitchen countertops and vanities with the perfect sink and accessories. We have a variety of drop-in sinks and under mount sinks for the kitchen, as well as the beautiful glass and stone vessel sinks.
Proper Sink Installation - T&J Granite Countertops takes no shortcuts when mounting sinks to granite countertops. We do not just glue the sink to the bottom of the countertop like many companies do, but professionally install your sink using steel clip mounts, securing the sink, and allowing you to easily remove the sink if necessary for plumbing problems, or to change the sink at a later date. This is just one of the extra steps that T&J Granite Countertops takes to provide better service to our customers. More about Sinks for Granite Countertops.
T&J Granite Countertops 1029 Falling Creek Circle Elberton, Georgia 30635 Phone 706-283-8009 FAX 706-283-8011hbrown@tjcountertops.com hshaw@tjcountertops.com
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Site Map T&J Granite Countertops Granite Countertops Quartz Countertops Granite Countertop Planning Tips Granite Countertop Cleaning & Sealing Zodiaq Countertops CaesarStone Countertops SileStone Countertops IceStone Countertops T&J Granite Countertop Contacts Customer Testimonials
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