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It was a day Bella Davisons parents feared they would never see - their daughter home for the first time.
Yet the miracle baby left hospital today after spending her entire life under the care of medics at Newcastles Royal Victoria Infirmary.
The brave six-month-old was born a week before the legal abortion limit at only 23 weeks into her mums preganancy, weighing just over 1lb.
Parents Vicky Jackson and Graeme Davison, an electrician, were told by doctors to prepare for the worst. But determined Bella fought hard to survive and is now thriving.
Mum Vicky, 30, of Morpeth, Northumberland, said: It was very emotional to bring Bella home as there was a time when we thought this might not happen.
Premature baby Bella Davison, is back home in Morpeth at 25 weeks old after spending six months in the RVI hospital. Pictured with mum and dad Vicky Jackson and Graeme Davison
The day after Bella was born we were told she would not survive the night but she did and now she is home - its amazing. It is great to see how well Bellas doing as she looks like any other baby, and you would not know that she was premature, she is just a little miracle. Bella 100% wanted to be here and she has just dealt with everything, she has such a strong little character.
Bella and her twin sister Sophia were born by Caesaran section at Wansbeck General Hospital, four months before their due date. Bella came out breathing on her own and was taken straight to the RVI for treatment, spending most of her time in the Special Care Baby Unit. But Sophia suffered complications and doctors were unable to save her.
Vicky said: We are devastated that Sophia did not make it. But we are very lucky that Bella is here with us as there was a chance that we would not have either of our daughters. The last time Bella was weighed she was 12lb 11oz and shes doing well.
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Miracle premature baby makes it home to Morpeth for the first time
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West Lebanon As early as next week, the periodic scent of rotten eggs may cease to be a part of the Route 12A corridors ambiance and the city may be one step closer to selling energy from gases produced by its landfill.
It would be nice to have a locally grown fuel source, Lebanons Solid Waste Manager George Murray said Tuesday morning.
Murray noted that several area businesses, including Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Kleen Laundry and Pike Industries, have recently shifted to using compressed natural gas as a fuel source, and a Hanover developer has proposed to site a natural gas depot on property in Lebanons Route 120 corridor.
The odor that wafts out of the citys landfill has long been a nuisance to residents and visitors. After a series of delays and temporary measures, a permanent fix appears to be on the horizon.
As Murray spoke, Kingsbury Co. employees worked in frigid temperatures to install a propane-powered biogas flare intended to burn off foul smells at the West Lebanon landfill, which accepts about 38,000 tons of trash annually.
Murray said the landfills stench primarily stems from hydrogen sulfide produced by the decay of gypsum, a component found in drywall.
It doesnt take much to smell it, Murray said.
Murray said he expects the flares installation to be complete by Jan. 15, and once installed, he anticipates it will eliminate 95 percent of the odors now associated with the 30-acre landfill, located between the Connecticut River and Route 12A.
Lebanon resident and Dartmouth College chemistry professor Gordon W. Gribble said he notices an amazing odor coming from the landfill during his weekly visits to the Route 12A Price Chopper store.
Upon hearing of the citys plans for the flare project, Gribble said some of the sulfur compounds producing the smell may not be flammable.
Original post:
The Smell of Progress: Lebanon Works to Permanently Curb Landfill Odor
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Demolition of Kutshers Hotel Resort
Veria Living contracted with Highground to take down Kutsher #39;s Hotel Resort in Montecello, NY in the heart of the Catskills. The Property is 1600 acres with 60 buildings on the property....
By: Highground Industrial
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Demolition of Kutshers Hotel & Resort - Video
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Sponsored Demolition 33Be – Video -
January 8, 2015 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Sponsored Demolition 33Be
By buying a NotMine-belt, you have sponsored the removal of the landmine you just saw. For more info: NotMine.se Let #39;s make this the next big thing! Back our Crowdfunding campaign: http://igg.me/p/...
By: NotMine
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Sponsored Demolition 33Be - Video
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Sponsored Demolition 23Jo – Video -
January 8, 2015 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Sponsored Demolition 23Jo
By buying a NotMine-belt, you have sponsored the removal of the landmine you just saw. For more info: NotMine.se Let #39;s make this the next big thing! Back our Crowdfunding campaign: http://igg.me/p/...
By: NotMine
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Sponsored Demolition 23Jo - Video
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Sponsored Demolition 24Aa – Video -
January 8, 2015 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Sponsored Demolition 24Aa
By buying a NotMine-belt, you have sponsored the removal of the landmine you just saw. For more info: NotMine.se Let #39;s make this the next big thing! Back our Crowdfunding campaign: http://igg.me/p/...
By: NotMine
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Sponsored Demolition 24Aa - Video
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UNIBEN Boils Over Demolition Of University Property By Edo State Government
Lecturers and students of the University of Benin today shut down the Benin-Lagos expressway in protest of the demolition of some buildings belonging to the university by the Edo State government.
By: Independent Television and Radio
UNIBEN Boils Over Demolition Of University Property By Edo State Government - Video
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Wall Demolition European Style!
Thank You For Watching Please Subscribe Lol, don #39;t try this at home.
By: Porsche Grimes
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Wall Demolition European Style! - Video
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General Gordon Elementary School demolition in Vancouver BC
General Gordon Elementary School demolition January 6, 2015. Built in 1912.
By: chloebean2008
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General Gordon Elementary School demolition in Vancouver BC - Video
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